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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United States

ID #1690124133
Added Sun, 23/07/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.02.2020 20:52
Вильямсбург, VA
United States

An eyewitness with the nickname ReveredTranscendence caught a ghost on camera.

The first 4 photos are taken from my phone to show the time stamp. The 5th photo is the original photo.

Some context: It was February 1st, 2020, and my wife and I were on a ghost tour in Williamsburg, Virginia. I've taken a lot of photos, and my method is to take several pictures in a row, because I believe that if spirits are real, they can appear and disappear from our reality in a matter of seconds if they want to, and one paranormal researcher once told me that this is a recommended practice.

I don't remember the name of the building or its history, but I remember that there was a rope barrier where we were standing, and when the guide told us that we could now take pictures, about 8 people in our group basically lined up at the barrier and started taking pictures at the same time.

I just remember after the tour ended and my wife went home, I looked through my photos and was shocked to find that this photo was different from the others. 3 reasons why I think this is a real photo:

There could be no one in front of me, because everyone was behind a rope fence built from left to right parallel to the building.

It couldn't have been a shadow, because all the other shadows, including mine, weren't projected onto any other photo I took. And I don't remember anyone standing behind me with a spotlight bright enough to cast my or someone else's shadow so noticeably and in such a smoky manner.

I took snapshots of the original photos from my phone to confirm the timestamp that these photos (8 in total) were taken in less than one minute. If someone had jumped out in the fraction of a second it took me to take these photos, it wouldn't have looked the way it does now.

Thoughts? You won't hurt my feelings. I have nothing to do in ghost photoshop, and I don't care about likes. And for those wondering why I didn't post this 3 years ago when it happened, it's because Reddit wasn't my first thought to show it back then, life and work got ahead of me (including the covid hell we all went through) and I just forgot I saved it in their albums.

Original news

by ReveredTranscendence

I think I finally caught an apparition on camera. Thoughts?

First 4 photos are snapshots from my phone to show the time stamp. 5th photo is the original photo.

Some context: It was February 1st 2020, and my wife and I were on a Williamsburg, VA ghost tour. I took lots of photos and my method is to take multiple shots back to back because I believe that if spirits are real, they can pop in and out of our reality in seconds if they wanted to and a paranormal investigator once told me it’s a recommended practice.

I don’t remember the building name or it’s history, but I remember there being a rope barrier from where we stood, and when the tour guide told us we could now take pictures, the 8–ish people in our group basically lined up to the barrier and began taking photos at the same time.

I just remember after the tour was over and my wife started driving home, I reviewed my photos and wash shocked to find this one photo different from the rest. 3 reasons why I believe this is a genuine photo:

No one could have been in front of me because everyone was behind the rope barrier lined up from left to right parallel to the building.

It couldn’t have been a shadow because everyone else’s shadows including mine did not project on any other photo I took. And I don’t remember anyone standing behind me with a bright enough spotlight to project my own or anyone else’s shadow so prominently and in this smokey fashion.

I took snapshots from my phone of the original photos to prove the time stamp that these photos (8 total) were taken in less than one minute. If someone were to have jumped out in the split seconds it took me to take these photos, it wouldn’t have looked the way it did.

Thoughts? You won’t hurt my feelings. I’ve got nothing to gain to photo shop a ghost and I could care less about “likes”. And to those wondering why I didn’t post this 3 years ago when it happened, it’s because Reddit wasn’t my first thought to show this to back then, life and work got ahead of me (to include covid hell we all went through), and I simply forgot I had this saved in my albums.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Probably, the photo was taken at a long exposure, and the "ghost" is a person (or something similar) moving in front of the camera at the time of shooting.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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