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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1699365569
Added Tue, 07/11/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1968 01:00
Железнодорожная ст. Театральная, Белорусской железной дороги, Дачный поселок Института микробиологии
Moskovskaya oblast

At the beginning of July 1968, in the district of the Teatralnaya railway station, Moscow region, a low UFO hovering was observed with the exit of humonoids from it.

On November 1, 1982, an eyewitness to the events of Chernyaeva 3.A. was interviewed and her story was recorded on tape. The following is given with minor abbreviations.

Chernyaeva 3. A.: I don't remember the exact date, but it was in early July 1968 after 1 a.m. I woke up to a strong yellow light illuminating the whole room. At first I didn't understand what was going on.

My first thought was that it was some kind of very powerful spotlight illuminating my room through the window, I saw a ball hanging at a height of 3-4 m, about 40 m from my house, shining brightly with yellow light, having a diameter of 3-4 m.

Question: Have you heard any sounds accompanying this phenomenon?

Answer: Yes, there was noise, there were people there, they were talking to each other and moving quickly on the ground. That's the noise I heard. I tried to estimate how many there were, and came to the conclusion that there were 4-5 people. Individual steps and words were not heard.

Question: Determine more precisely the place where it happened.

Answer: Railway station Teatralnaya, Belarusian railway, Dacha village of the Institute of Microbiology. The balloon hung over a clearing that passed through the village.

Question: Were you alone at the dacha?

Answer: No, with a ten-year-old son, but he did not wake up, but slept.

Question: Describe what these people looked like.

Answer: At first I thought they were electricians - they were in light-colored overalls. We often had power outages there at this time and I thought they were doing repairs. Then I thought it was testing some new device.

Question: Were you scared?

Answer: No, it wasn't at the beginning, but then, when it was over, I got very excited, I couldn't sleep for a long time. They disappeared quickly and unexpectedly. A ladder was attached to the side of the ball. They went up to her, there was the sound of a hatch slamming and everything went out. No wind, no noise, followed this.

Question: Did they have anything on their heads?

Answer: Yes, something was put on, the head was not open, but I can't say what exactly. It's bad that I didn't have time to put on my glasses, I have a little myopia, then I would have been able to see more.

Question: How tall were they?

Answer: High. Usually I don't see my neighbors from behind the fence, but here I saw them.

Question: Were the outlines of the figures and their proportions the same as those of a human?

Answer: Yes, only slightly elongated arms.

Question: How long did it all last?

Answer: 15 - 20 minutes.

Question: During this time, you could wear glasses.

Answer: I was very surprised and did not imagine that such a thing could exist. I didn't understand it then,

what is this phenomenon.

Question: What did these "electricians" do?

Answer: I got the impression that they were repairing something. They moved quickly around the ball, their movements were sharp. They went in and out of the ball. Then they talked among themselves. It became quieter, they climbed the stairs into the balloon and everything disappeared.

Question: Has anyone but you seen this phenomenon?

Answer: I don't know, but the next morning I went to my neighbor and asked her if they had seen anything, but she replied that she had been asleep and hadn't seen anything.

Question: Did any other events take place in the village at that time?

Answer: At that time we very often had power outages (we are connected to the city of Tuchkovo) and almost every day there was no light.

Question: If there is a need to go to this place, will you be able to show it?

Answer: Sure.

Question: What was the weather like?

Answer: Very good, the sky was clear, clear, only some vacationers, like me, vacationing with children were in the village.

Question: Can you identify yourself?

Answer: Yes, of course, Zinaida Chernyaeva.

Kuzovkin A.C.: Thank you so much for the very interesting information. If possible, please draw everything you have seen.

Chernyaeva: Good.

From the analysis of incidents related to the landing of UFOs, we can conclude that the activity of humanoids on Earth is still incomprehensible to us. Quite often there are cases when UFO activity is directly related to a person.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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