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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1699540700
Added Thu, 09/11/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Saratovskaya oblast

 Message from Vera Skvortsova Vasilyevna.

It was in 1956. At that time, my brother, who was demobilized after the war, had just returned, and now lives with me together. I was still working at that time, living in a private apartment, and with his arrival we had to find another apartment. The woman where I lived at that time helped us in this. And when we came to negotiate, it was at the end of October 1946, the owner of the future apartment tells us:

"I will lend you an apartment, but I just don't know how you will live with us. There's a knock under the floor!"

And indeed, when we were walking along the corridor of this half, which was rented, then along this corridor below us we were accompanied by such a knock, as if a hammer was being beaten from below. My brother opened the hatch in the floor and went down to the ground (and from the ground to the floor was a meter high). But at this time,

while he was examining everything there, the knocking stopped. He did not find any violations there, and even the web was not broken under the floor and he did not find any holes.

And it is interesting that this knock haunted the girl (schoolgirl, 1st grade). When she was at school, it was quiet, and as soon as she came from school, there was a knock under her. And even if we look at the basement, and the girl was put on the board, then we didn't see anything from below, and in the place where she was standing, there was such a strong knock in the board, like a hammer.

I asked the hostess (it was an elderly teacher):

"How did it start?"

And she said that they were sitting in the evening, at 10 o'clock, she was checking school notebooks, the girl was studying lessons, and suddenly there was such a roar, as if a small coin was poured out of the bag. We went outside, looked, thought the pipe had fallen, but everything was in place. And when they came into the house, they heard the flaps rattling in the pipe, and then this rumble descended as if down the pipe, and the knocking began.

But we needed an apartment so much that we were not afraid of anything, and yet this evening we hurried to move - to occupy an apartment.

And so, a sleepless night began. My bed was against the wall where the girl and her grandmother were sleeping on the other side. And such a loud banging began under us, as if someone was pounding from below

that is, with a hammer.

Such torment lasted until 12 o'clock at night. Then the knocking gradually went somewhere to the ground, there was only some rustling on the ground. And in the morning the hostess came to inquire about our well-being. We told her that everything stopped as it was the beginning of the first night. From 9 o'clock they went to work, and when they returned, this knock was no longer repeated, and many wanted to hear it all for themselves.

On the first day, two comrades came to my brother: one an aviation engineer, and the second a captain of the Soviet Army.

This captain had a revolver, he wanted to shoot at the floor, and then it became funny himself - at whom?

The whole story has remained unsolved to this day. Before moving to this apartment, we also did not believe, but I was an eyewitness, so I rushed to describe everything.


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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