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Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1699964625
Added Tue, 14/11/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.10.1967 16:00
Sakha, Respublika [Yakutiya]

A face in the polar sky.

Yakutsk - Institute of Cosmophysics and Aeronomy of the Yakut branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR, Nadubovich Yu.D.

Dear Yuliy Arkadyevich !

I cannot help but share with you, as with my senior comrade and my scientific supervisor, circumstances that are strange and difficult to explain from the point of view of the generally accepted theory of auroras.

On October 5, at 16 o'clock world time (just in my watch), the photometer recorder suddenly began to draw a sharp increase in the luminous flux. The arrow instantly reached the edge of the scale. I switched the device to a lower gain and looked out the window: imagine, it was dark there! No moon - nothing ! I looked at the photometer: the arrow rested on the edge of the scale again. I ran out onto the porch.

And I didn't see a single ray of aurora in the sky. It was just awful! What kind of invisible radiation was the device receiving? I went back to the house. And again I was amazed-although there seemed to be nowhere else. The receiver, which had been purring, suddenly stopped. I quickly ran through the entire range - no rustling, no whistling!

Can you imagine, Yuliy Arkadyevich, my condition! I threw on my fur coat and ran out onto the porch again. And then I saw... No, it's better in order.At first there were a few simple green arches. The radiance was at 3., but then red and yellowish rays appeared.

They formed a border. And this border swayed as if from the wind and its outlines formed... You won't believe it, but a FACE appeared in the sky!

Of course, I can't say that it was your face or mine, male or female, or anyone else's in particular. The ego had some incredibly alien and at the same time somehow familiar, beautiful face. As if made of sparkling stones, it looked at me with starry eyes and said something. Yes, it did, because I heard the incredible rumble of the receiver turned on from the house. When I opened the door, I only caught

Two last words: SEE YOU SOON. And everything. The sky went out. The receiver howled: "Love is a ring, and the ring..." etc.

I would be glad to confirm my true story with the footage, but, alas! It turns out that I forgot to remove the cap from the lens of our tripod, which is not surprising - after three nights of continuous duty (my replacement was ill).

Sincerely, Valentina Dmitrenko, Tiksi, MGT station, October 10, 1967 (A. Gangnus "Towards the Northern Aurora", the magazine "Knowledge-Power 1968, No. 4, p.11.).


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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