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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Spain

ID #1702820246
Added Sun, 17/12/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

On Google Street View, a black disk is visible above the old village in Spain.

Original news

Date of discovery: Dec 16, 2023
Location of discovery: Spain

Google Coordinates: 41°51'39.54"N 4°10'53.11"W

Guys check this one out. There is a black disk sitting over an old village in Spain on Google street view. Europe has had as many or more UFO sightings that the US in the last 100 years. And there is an alien base not far off under Rocca Pia, Italy that extends hundreds of miles out under the ocean. I talk about Rocca Pia because they often took photos...of disks like this during the 1960s. This is real and it's there for you. 

Scott C. Waring 


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Most likely, it is a bird flying in the frame. It has a characteristic shape (on the one hand it is sharper than on the other). This is a common situation in such pictures.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Objects in motion, captured on a long exposure

Most often this artifact is called skayfish if the lens gets a passing bird or insect. It is based on the discrepancy between the speed of the video and the frequency of the flapping of insect wings. Essentially, each video drops a few strokes of the wings of an insect, which when viewed looks like "arrow", provided with long protuberances. The motion of the insect by its translucent body seems to "boom" and vibration of the wings give the appearance of bumps.


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.

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