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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1708689852
Added Fri, 23/02/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.04.1982 04:30
озеро Ошкуд
Kareliya, Respublika

The testimony of an eyewitness Ivanov V.P.:

Why did I find myself alone on the shore of Oshkut Lake at 4-30 on April 11, 1982? I am a fan of ice fishing, so as not to be late for the morning dawn, so as not to wander through the muddy snow at night, I left the cottage on the evening of April 10, and spent the night at the campfire on April 11. Before dawn, I once again adjusted the fire and lay down on my bed of spruce paws. I must say that my bivouac was located on the eastern shore of the lake. Lying with my feet to the lake, i.e. to the west, I looked up at the sky, at the ragged rays, at the stars, sometimes visible in the breaks of the clouds. I was surrounded by sparse young pines.

Suddenly, the tops of the pines lit up with a flash of light, a flash. I jumped to my feet and turned to the east. There, over a wooded hill, a glow was breaking out. The first thought was "The moon is rising!" But why the second time? (at 12 o'clock at night, it was already rising, but 30 degrees to the right - and immediately went behind the clouds). The next moment, a fireball burst out from behind the edge of the forest, followed by a spotty glowing triangle - a beam of rays (like a searchlight beam, only not a narrow beam, namely a triangular one), at an angle. My first impression was that a delta-shaped luminous wing was rushing straight at me. However, after a second, the real sense of space returned to me: the fireball was rapidly rising vertically upwards. for a moment he disappeared into the first tier of objects, appeared again - and after 4-5 seconds finally disappeared into the clouds. The total time during which I observed the ball is no more than 20 seconds. The ball disappeared and I looked at my watch. Using the compass, I determined the direction to the place where the ball appeared. After the correction for magnetic declination was introduced, the true bearing turned out to be 80 degrees.

... what is left after the ball?

To the right of the trajectory of his ascent hung a glowing green pillar, which lasted 10-12 minutes. Below, above the wooded edge of the hill, a luminous cloud in the shape of a hemisphere stood motionless. It was heterogeneous, with light shadows, something like the Moon with its "mountains" and "seas". Inside the cloud, a multicolored cylinder resembling a barrel with multicolored hoops (of all colors of the rainbow, from red to purple) was vertically positioned. This cylinder lasted about 20 minutes. The cloud gradually dimmed, and I watched it for more than half an hour. It was, like the balloon itself, undoubtedly far away, several, I believe, tens of kilometers from the point with geographical coordinates.

62 degrees 04 minutes N; 33 degrees 58 minutes (location nearby). The sector (vertical angle) within which I observed the ball is about 30 degrees. The distance from me to the "hillock" because of which the balloon rose 650-700 m, the excess of the "hillock above the observation site is 40 m (the distance and excess are determined by the terrain map 1:25000). The location and the "hillock" are separated by a swamp. the diameter of the ball was 1\ 3 of the diameter of the Sun. Evaluating everything I saw, I came to the conclusion that the ball, together with the cone of rays, generally looked like a deep dish turned upside down. This sight is reminiscent of rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome, which we sometimes watch on TV, but there are no fire clouds, not a cone of rays stretches behind the rocket, but a narrow fiery tail. Perhaps it was a rocket, not a Baikonur rocket, of course. Its fiery tail could look like a ball at a great distance, and the cloud cover in the observation area created conditions for various optical effects (a wide cone of rays, a luminous cloud, a multicolored cylinder and a green luminous column). If it was a rocket, it wasn't a rocket. Air defense, not meteorological, but something global. There was no mention of such missile launches in the newspapers of those days.

The fact that the tops of the trees lit up at the beginning (the flash when the "ball" took off was transmitted to the distance, of course, by clouds), and the ball itself appeared from around the corner of the hill later, when I was already on my feet, says that the "ball" or "if you like, the "plate" flew into the sky far from the place of observation. I didn't hear any sounds either. However, a strong wind was blowing, the trees were making a lot of noise. and there is also something subconscious, born, apparently, by the whole complex of what he saw, that all this was somewhere far away.

I informed my neighbor, the military journalist V.I. Bachaev, about what I had observed. I had a telephone conversation with his colleague Sorokin, who systematizes data on UFOs. Sorokin invited me to his place, but due to a number of circumstances I could not see him, I limited myself to a telephone conversation. He said that besides me, this phenomenon was observed by 3 other people, all in Petrozavodsk. I do not know what they saw.

A sudden flash of light at 4:30 on April 11 was observed by other residents of our holiday village, in particular Fofanoa S.V., who was in the house at that time and was going fishing. He did not see the flight of the ball. My imperfect drawing of what I saw may help to imagine the phenomenon. In conclusion, I consider it necessary to confirm that UFO phenomena are not indifferent to me.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The lake is listed as Oshkut Lake. It was not possible to find it with this name. There is Lake Oshkud in Karelia. If we rely on the coordinates and the fact that there should be cottages somewhere not far away, then this is it.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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