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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1709896929
Added Fri, 08/03/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.02.1976 19:00
Leningradskaya oblast

Message by malysheva L.H. about the observation of an unusual object in Leningrad

On February 11, 1976, at about 19-21 o'clock, walking with my friend along Bolotnaya Street in the direction of Shvernik Ave., I saw a sight in the dark evening sky. At an angle of 35-40 degrees to the horizon from right to left and very slowly (like a boat on the waves), an unknown object in the form of a cigar, of a uniform dark gray color, was flying. It was perceived as a small body and I thought at first that it was an airship. Its contour was clearly outlined, it seemed to me that the "cigar" was not so far away (within 4 km) and relatively low above the ground. The apparent size of the object (length) was about 4x the diameter of the lunar disk at the zenith. He flew along a horizontal trajectory, slightly moving away from the observer, completely silent. I didn't notice the sparkle, but there was a feeling of a very faint glow around the body. I vaguely remember that there was some kind of glowing area in the tail of the body. a short and wide (the entire width of the body) beam of light, extending about half the length of the object, came out of the nose. Ahead, the beam did not end abruptly, but gradually dissolved into darkness. The nose of the object in this place was somewhat "smeared".

Along the upper and lower edges of the cigar, a number of fairly noticeable rectangular spots were visible, glowing in a color that I identified as a combination of the light of a neon lamp and an electric lamp. The contours of the spots were a little "smeared", it seemed that the light from them came from inside, and the surface seemed to phosphorescent. There were at least five of them, rather more. The spots receded slightly from the nose and tail, creating a whole picture of a luminous perimeter. I marked the intensity of their glow as average. The beam in the bow shone the same color as the spot, only brighter, the intensity of the light did not change.

The observation lasted about 5 minutes until the object disappeared behind the trees. I was impressed by what I saw. Subconsciously, a feeling of excitement and trepidation arose, which did not pass until the evening. I noticed that passers-by, noticing the object, stopped dead in their tracks. I told my colleagues at work and it turned out that at least 4 other people had seen this object. My message was treated with understanding.

I have observed such an object only once in my life. the weather at the time of observation was calm and cloudless. The stars were shining in the sky and it wasn't very cold.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Space debris

By space junk refers to all manmade objects and their fragments in space, which is already faulty, not functioning, and will never be able to serve any useful purpose. Currently in low earth orbits up to altitudes of about 2000 km is, according to various estimates, about 220 thousand (300 thousand according to the UN office for outer space Affairs, October 2009) man-made objects weighing up to 5000 tons.
In the case of UFOs, it is possible to expand this list lost cosmonauts things (tools, etc.).


Meteor, "shooting star" is a phenomenon that occurs when small meteor bodies (for example, fragments of comets or asteroids) burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. A similar phenomenon of greater intensity (brighter than magnitude -4) it's called a fireball.

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 802 (Zenit-4MK #55, Germes #55)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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