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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Russia

ID #1711289729
Added Sun, 24/03/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
29.06.1977 21:07
Nizhegorodskaya oblast

Borodushkina N.K. writes to the Commission on:

An addendum to the letter.

1. The object was monitored on June 29, 1977. Let me clarify: I wrote in the first message that the observation was carried out on June 27, 1977, the number of June 27 was remembered for the length of time. When I repeated the description, I had to go to the library, get a file of the newspaper Pravda, where I found a TV program for the month of June 1977. I would like to clarify once again on June 29, 1977, my friend and I watched the TV show - k\ movie 2 episode "It's easy to be kind", this k\ movie ended at 21 o'clock (Moscow time), I went to accompany her home. We walked through the village and when we came to a small hillock, we could see the whole sky of the northern sky very well from here.

2. The time spent walking is about 7 minutes, and therefore we saw the flying object at 21-07 (Moscow time). we watched it for 5-7 minutes.

3. The weather that evening was warm, quiet, the entire west and part of the northern sky were clear, not a cloud, we did not see any other celestial bodies (except for this object). The sunset was orange-red.

4. When we climbed the hill, the clear sky opened up to us and immediately we saw a flying object. We immediately stopped and watched. He was flying from the western side (from the setting sun), across the northern sky.

The object was a well-defined ball with 3 clear "antennas" stretched out behind the ball. The color of the ball and its "antenna" is white, similar to fine-feathered clouds or like a "tail" behind a jet plane, or - I once saw the Moon in the morning hours when the sun had already risen and the moon was pale with white lumps on the surface. No glow or shine was observed on the object. The color was the same for the entire time of observation. There were no sound phenomena from the object. he was flying calmly in one direction. When the object was directly in front of us, we noticed that where the "antennas" were, a crescent-shaped formation appeared, crossing all the "antennas", it was the same color as the object. And it was as if the object stopped for a split second and at that time there was a "clipping of the antennas" by this crescent-shaped formation. And then - the clipping of the "antenna" along with the crescent-shaped formation remained in one place, and the object with the shortened "antennas" continued to fly further. The entire severed part and the crescent-shaped formation began to slowly dissipate like a haze and disappeared quickly, even the object was still visible, but they were no longer there.

5. The object flew from west to east along the northern sky, and moved away to the northeast.

6. The object flew in a horizontal line without changing its height.

7. The object was flying at about a 45 degree angle.

8. It is difficult for me to determine the altitude of the flight now, but he was flying at a distance of about 6-7 km from us.

The size of the object is also difficult to specify now, but if compared with the Moon, it is about half the moon in diameter.

The speed of the flying object was less than that of a jet plane.

9. The effect of the object on our body, we did not observe during the observation, except for excitement at the sight of such an inexplicable phenomenon.

10. Of course, we could not produce any photos and films.

11. My friend, whom I accompanied, witnessed this phenomenon and observed the object. this is Savina Evdokia Alexandrovna, born in 1932, specializing in clinical laboratory assistant. She worked in Novo-Cheboksary, and the city hospital.

There were no other witnesses at the moment, I tried to look and invite someone, but there was no one. the next day at work, I told and drew everything that we saw, everyone was surprised, asked me to write somewhere about this "unusual phenomenon", but I still did not dare, but after reading an article in the journal Chemistry and Life, I described everything I saw it, hoping that they would explain to me what happened.

Perhaps someone else saw this object in 1977, we couldn't be the only ones to see it.

I have schematically drawn the flight of this object for you, although I am a bad artist, and I did not observe the scale, but there will be an idea of the flight of the object. I just couldn't draw the village itself, its houses, but this hillock in the center of the village.

12. My last name is Nina Kontantinovna Borodushkina. She was born in 1922, on December 5th. I am now retired, and in the year when the object was observed, I worked at the local district hospital as a general practitioner (head of the department).


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Vostok-2M Payload: Meteor-Priroda 2-2 (Meteor-1 28)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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