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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The hum of the Earth. Russia

ID #1715526577
Added Sun, 12/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.06.1980 23:40
Чкаловский, Мишнево
Moskovskaya oblast

A significant factor characteristic of the events of June 14/15, 1980, is the presence of several phenomena on a much smaller scale than the effects accompanying the passage of object No. 1 and identified with the launch of the satellite. Small objects of various types were observed, for example, at close distances in the village. Chkalovsky (Moscow).

As a preliminary discussion, we can conditionally define 3 phases of the phenomenon, occurring respectively at 23-30, 23-55 and 0-50.

Firstly, at 23-30, residents of the village noticed a large faintly glowing elongated formation (object No. 2), motionless in front of the houses, from which a small object separated and descended (No. 3. About 23-40, military serviceman V.G. Koryakin, attracted) the source of a loud buzz, resembling the hum of a tranoformer, was trying to approach object No. 3, hovering at a height of 1.5-2 m above the ground near house No. 5 on Zhukovsky Street.

The body color is white, the dimensions are 2.0-3.5 m, the shape of a flat-convex lens.

V.G. Karyakin felt the difficulty of movement, as if caused by the resistance of a viscous medium, and had to stop at a distance of about 50 m. Staying in place, he watched as the object emitted several bright white rays downwards and began to slowly rise up with a whoosh and crackle.

V.G.Koryakin notes its abrupt removal towards the Kozhinsky forest, over which at that time there was a second object of much larger size, glowing red with two yellow rays coming from one end, residents of a nearby house saw this formation from the windows.

They noticed how a small object rose from below and joined the spindle-shaped body from the end opposite to the one emitting the rays. Then the whole formation began to move towards the Kozhinsky forest (rays backwards), leaving white smoke behind.

The process of lifting the luminous object from behind the forest line and changing its course to a horizontal one was traced by the military personnel who observed it.

One of them A.3. Osadchy noticed that the ascent was made along a zigzag line.

The first geodetic measurements carried out on the territory of this military unit, as

They seem to indicate that the servicemen saw from the territory of the garrison

the movement of exactly the object that rose above the village of Chkalovsky.

On the other hand, over the Kozhinsky forest, in the direction of which the object moved away, in the village of Mishnevo, N.V. Krokhina and her husband observed the continuation of its movement away from the village. Chkalovsky. According to their ideas, he was not far away at all, because it was bright on the terrace at night, as if by electric light. An eyewitness says that the object was small, round, shiny with an extensive plume of fiery color.

And finally, at about one o'clock in the morning, the military personnel saw the appearance of an object with a white smoky tail, observed a pop explosion and its disappearance (object No. 40. The clap was accompanied by a bright flash, after which a briefly glowing ring formed in this place.

Actually, the passage of a body with a plume (No. 1) was observed in Chkalovsky as in Sudu, about 23-55.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Proton-K Blok-DM Payload: Gorizont 4 (Gorizont 15L)
  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Molniya-M (Blok-2BL) Payload: Kosmos 1188 (US-K #15)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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