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UFO. Russia

ID #1717067408
Added Thu, 30/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.06.1980 23:57
Воробьёвы горы, Гольяново, Икша
Moskovskaya oblast

Vyacheslav Nikolaevich SMIRNOV (Computer Engineering Engineer)

23.57 the beginning of the observation is 06/14/80.

I'm driving along the Kaluga Highway. from the Moscow ring road towards the center. The time is before midnight. I notice an ellipse above the trees on the left (Figure 1).

Visually similar to the wing of the Olympic swimming pool (between Mira Ave. and Maryina Grove): similar in color, resembles a gray concrete structure, similar in shape.

The object is moving out over the road, similar to a balloon in the night sky (such as it was during the war). The color is gray, slightly silvery, it seems voluminous. The apparent distance is 1-2 km.

On the left there is a break in the trees, followed by an extensive ravine-type decay, houses are far away. Behind the disintegration, a smoky fire plume is visible, such as a pillar with a bend at the top to the right, towards the object.

It looked like a trail from a falling burning plane, but the movement of the "balloon" object to the right, slightly upward, is already obvious. It starts from the horizon, above the distant roofs. I estimate the distance at 4-5 km.

The object grows in size and moves to the right. A bright luminous dot is visible on its nose (figure 2) with rays radiating from it. There are three or four rays. What seemed to be a balloon increases, becomes translucent, like a balloon.

The time is 23.57.

The luminous dot appears to be twice as large as the nearest planet in March of this year. The point is gaining speed, decreasing. The trail dissolves into the darkness of the sky (Figure 3).

The remaining column of fiery smoke expands somewhat, looks like a vertical cloud with a bend at the top to the right, glows as if illuminated by the setting sun, although it is midnight.

The upper horizontal shelf of the cloud is black (the sky is blue).

Second place.

I make a decision - forward to the glowing cloud. Looking for him in the gaps between the houses, I go to the observation deck - the Lenin Mountains (Figure 4).

Time 00.40 (06/15/80) The luminous cloud has already been somewhat ruffled by the wind, alternating red and black spots. His place is somewhere behind the Ostankino tower and to the left.

A light cloud (white) is visible above the city, to the right of the center cigar-shaped. All the clouds now look motionless.

Third place.

Forward again, through the center along Yaroslavskoye highway. Good visibility is from the traffic police post in front of the MKAD (Figure 5). The time is about 02:06/15/80. The red cloud has become dimmer and is blurring. The white cloud is no longer solid, it has the appearance of a contour of an airship with a split at the back.

At the traffic police post, the sergeant on duty said that he saw about the same thing, starting with a vertical fiery column of smoke, a star separated from it, with three rays directed backwards, passed over the horizon to the right, slightly upwards, and disappeared within about a minute. There were several eyewitnesses - the drivers stopped the cars and jumped out to watch.

The distance was estimated at about 3 km.

Fourth place.

I'm looking for a high point with a different angle. A small bridge over the MKAD, where Golyanovo (Figure 6)

The time is about 03 o'clock. It's already light, but there's no sun yet.

Along the line from the vertical red cloud (already scattered) in a straight line, obliquely above the horizon, there is a dark smooth stripe (not contrasting, but noticeable). Against the background of the strip there are two elongated clouds, almost black and a white dim cloud - an "airship".

Fifth place.

Forward along the Yaroslavl highway. A white cloud is illuminated by the sun from beyond the horizon, turns orange, and has the shape of a "crucian" (Figure 7).

In the area of Iksha (45-50 km from Moscow) - the angle is the same.

At about 04 o'clock the sun rose - it was impossible to see anything against its brilliance.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Proton-K Blok-DM Payload: Gorizont 4 (Gorizont 15L)
  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Molniya-M (Blok-2BL) Payload: Kosmos 1188 (US-K #15)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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