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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Australia

ID #1718457870
Added Sat, 15/06/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.11.1967 18:30
ферма Йерекойн

Australia, about 80 miles north of Perth, a mile from the Yerecoin farm owned by the witness.

Alan Poole, the owner of the farm.

It was an ordinary day with a light rain. Mr. Poole, having finished his work, prepared to drive home in his Land Rover. A mile from the house, his attention was attracted by a loud piercing buzzing sound, similar to the noise from an electric motor. At first, the witness thought that something had gone wrong in the engine of his car, but then he noticed that in the air, about half a mile away and at an altitude of about 400 feet, there was an object moving rapidly in his direction.

"I thought it was an airplane," Poole explained later, "but this object, moving directly towards me, suddenly landed next to my Rover, almost near the door, about 4 feet from it. I was completely confused. The screeching noise was very loud and frightening."

The witness describes the object as an "inverted plate" of gray metallic color, about 12 feet in diameter and about 6 feet high. There were no motors or propellers on the object, as well as no landing gear, but there were 4 "windows" - 2 round and 2 square - through which the witness, however, could not see anything.

"I didn't know what to do. I partially opened the door to get out, and then said loudly: "to hell with you, sport!" To my surprise, the echo brought those words back to me. I'm sure it was my own voice. But it couldn't have been an echo, because a strong wind was blowing just from me, and there was no way I could hear any echo in this position. When I put one foot out of the car, the object suddenly took off vertically. I was so scared that I wondered if I was crazy. (...) When I looked outside to see if there were any traces of the object, it had already disappeared from view, although the buzzing sound was still audible."

Poole said the grass was undisturbed and there were no burn marks on it. He then remembered that the UFO did not actually touch the ground, but hovered above it at a negligible height.

The witness informed the New Norcia police about the incident and called CJB (Perth) by phone. He also reported the appearance of UFOs at the BB base in Pierce, but his story was met with skepticism there.

Poole claims that at about 18-30, i.e. at the time when her husband was watching a UFO, there was strong interference on the TV screen.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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