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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Argentina

ID #1718538772
Added Sun, 16/06/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Корреа Santa Fe

1968, October; apparently, the night from 13 to 14. ARGENTINA, Santa Fe, Correa

Antonio Domingo Damiani, agricultural worker.

"On the morning of October 14th, Antonio Domingo Damiani... I found a paralyzed calf 1600 meters from my house. There was a large circular footprint next to the animal. In the afternoon, he and his brother Umberto found 9 clearer circles in the grass, the diameter of which varied from 5 to 12 meters. On the edges of each of them grew giant mushrooms of an unknown species in these places.

Over 25 "circles" were also found in neighboring fields.

According to Umberto's stepfather, two months before the incident, he saw strange lights in the area.

A neighbor named Pertusatti said that 15 days earlier he had seen a bright light in that place."


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Usually, this phenomenon, in addition to crop circles, is called Fairy circles, the circles of the fairies, the witches ' ring. In Germany, for example, they claimed that such circles were trampled by witches at night, in Holland - devils beat up butter, and in Russia - circles indicate an enchanted treasure.

In fact, circles with a diameter of several tens of centimeters to several meters are formed by fungi. These circles form the various types of fungi: the mlechnikov, Govorushko, mushrooms, toadstools, morels, etc.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Since mushrooms were found around the "circle", this appearance is typical for a mycelium.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation


Usually, this phenomenon, in addition to crop circles, is called Fairy circles, the circles of the fairies, the witches ' ring. In Germany, for example, they claimed that such circles were trampled by witches at night, in Holland - devils beat up butter, and in Russia - circles indicate an enchanted treasure.

In fact, circles with a diameter of several tens of centimeters to several meters are formed by fungi. These circles form the various types of fungi: the mlechnikov, Govorushko, mushrooms, toadstools, morels, etc.

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