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The Ghost Goes West


Added Sun, 14/10/2018
Release date
Original title
The Ghost Goes West

"The Ghost goes West" (eng. "The Ghost Goes West", FR. "Fantome a vendre") is an English Comedy feature film with a mysterious storyline, the film adaptation of the novel by Eric Qun.

Filmed long before the first mystical melodrama, "the Ghost goes West" has incorporated the best works of Eric Qun and Oscar Wilde.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

In the XVIII century Murdoch the Father of glory, sending his son to war, asks him to avenge the honour of the clan. Murdoch dies in the accident and, failing to comply with the request of the father, remains a Ghost in the castle, cursed until then, until you do your duty. To find peace, Murdoch Glori needs to ensure that a descendant of the enemy he kind of Malagena recognized that one Glori worth fifty Malagena.

In the twentieth century Peggy Martin, the daughter of a wealthy American businessman, persuades her father to purchase an old Scottish castle from Donald Glori, disassemble it to the last brick, and, plunging the ship to move to Florida. Donald sells the castle, handing out debts, and goes to America to help in the construction of the castle.

At first no one believes in Ghost, but he appears on a ship in the middle of the ball, more than enough for all present, including the press. Father of Peggy first wants to terminate the contract, but the demand for the lock (and therefore cost) due to the presence of the Ghost increases, and the transaction remains in force. An integral part of this deal is a Ghost.

After the castle was fully erected in a new place, the father of Peggy arranges a large-scale celebration where he wants to show everyone the Ghost castle Glori. One of the guests turns out to be a descendent of Malagena. Murdoch manages to do the father's will, and he becomes free.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Ghost

The film shows the Ghost corresponding to the classical representation: it is the soul of a deceased person, which has remained on Earth because of unfinished business (in this case – because of the unfulfilled wishes of his father). Accordingly, she can find peace only when realized revenge for insulting his family.

The Ghost appears every day at midnight and roams the castle until the morning. He can talk with his father, the soul which is in Heaven. One can even adjust the extent lawful son of liberty, for example, to allow him to remain invisible all night.

The Ghost appears before the people in the form of translucent shapes. It looks exactly the same as before death, same age, hairstyle, clothes. He can pass through walls and other obstacles and people in his presence feel cold. Others may be able to see him and talk to him.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Poltergeist

During the presence of a Ghost there are various poltergeist: broken glass, moving objects, different sounds are heard. The Ghost of not see.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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