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Vampires vs. the Bronx


Added Sat, 03/10/2020
Release date
Original title
Vampires vs. the Bronx

Vampires vs. the Bronx is a 2020 Comedy horror film.

Despite the rather simple plot, the film contains many references to well-known works of popular culture with a vampire theme, from the stylized image of Vlad Tepes and Stephen king's novel "the lot of Salem" to the movie "Blade".

A real estate Agency buys up apartments, houses, and stores in the Bronx, and their former owners disappear without a trace. Teenager Miguel, who everyone calls "Little Mayor", tries to prevent changes in the area in which he grew up and which he loves with all his heart. To save his friend's store from ruin, he is going to organize a charity party, which should be attended by many residents of the area.

While posting ads for the party, Miguel discovers that the real estate Agency is run by a vampire familiar who is buying up real estate to make the Bronx a convenient undead habitat. Miguel and his friends try to bring the vampires to light, but as a result of their actions, the store owner is killed.

Thanks to the United help of the residents of the area, the guys fight back against the undead, and then restore the store in memory of their best friend.

Phenomena in artwork: A vampire

The vampires shown in the film fully correspond to the classical ideas. They sleep in coffins or upside down under the ceiling, like bats. They can fly and climb vertical walls, and they can hypnotize people with their eyes. Not only are vampires not reflected in mirrors, but they are also not visible in photos and videos (as one of the film's characters explains, this is because they "don't have a soul"). A vampire can enter a room that doesn't belong to him only after receiving an invitation from the owner.

They are afraid of sunlight (which seems to kill them, but this is never shown in the film. They are repelled by garlic (including dried), and when they touch the crucifix, the vampire gets burned (although the cross on the victim's neck does not prevent the vampire from attacking her). Holy water also burns them, and even begins to boil if there was a vampire nearby.

Some vampires have familiars who guard them during the day and run errands in exchange for the ability to become undead.

Vampires have a kind of social hierarchy, and if you kill the main one, the rest of them weaken. To kill a vampire, you need to put a prosvira in his mouth or stick a wooden or silver stake in his heart (for this, any tree will go, in the movie, even a piece of skate that is stuck in the stomach works). After death, the vampire's body bursts into flames and crumbles into ash.

To become a vampire, you need to inhale the ashes of the first one to be bitten immediately after.

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