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The appearance of unusual drawings on the skin of Russians in the 90s

Added Mon, 17/08/2020
Дата публикации
Sun, 19/03/2017

In 1989-1990, many people vacationing in the Baltics, on the Riga seaside, on the skin appeared a kind of drawings-marks.

As a rule, these were ting-shaped drawings with several broad leaves, obtained by the method of burning. On the body they stood out because of the noticeable redness of the skin. Basically, these marks were located on the back, shoulders, chest.

Sometimes their owners experienced small pains: tingling, itching, burning. Five or seven days later, the drawings disappeared without a trace. The fathers of science who did not recognize "miracles" came up with a very simple explanation - contact with a borscht that can cause burns. It would be possible to accept such a version, but... drawings resembled plants that were in extremely flat condition, as in herbariums. In addition, drawings appeared in people who did not leave the premises at all.

Many may still remember the publications in a number of central newspapers about a girl from Turkmenistan. When she was alone in the apartment, above the window hovered a globular UFO, a woman came out of it, entered the room and invited the girl to fly to another planet. She was very frightened and lost consciousness, and when she woke up, she found on her leg, above the knee, a drawing of a "man" in the sun.

As shown by special studies, the drawing was made by the method of embossment, and it was impossible to erase it or somehow to deduce it. Mysterious marks appeared in the inhabitants of Kostroma and, apparently, had nothing to do with plants or the territories of the so-called aliens.

On January 29, 1993, Andrei A., a resident of Kostroma, had to work hard: he bought an old wagon and transported it to the garden. He came home late, tired, dirty. He had a short dinner, washed himself, and went to bed. Closer to morning Andrei saw a very colorful, colored dream: it is as if inside a limited, closed-that space, where everything is filled with bright iridescent light. Juicy emerald greens, bushes, trees, magnificent flowers of unusual shape and unprecedented colors. They were too big, they didn't look earthy.

Somewhere came a monotonous female voice: " On the fourth day, on the fourth day...

Woke up, got up, went to wash. I looked at my hands and saw... On the inner surface of the elbow joint of the right hand stood out a very intricate blue-green pattern: a plate, upside down, about three centimeters long, and 0.8 centimeters high. At the bottom of the right, the number "1" is added, too, "upside down." Its height was 0.5 centimeters and its width was about one millimeter. At the bottom of it adjoined a ring with a diameter of about 1.2 millimeters. To the left of the "unit" from the plate came a lot of the thinnest wave-shaped lines, some of them bent to the right and passed through the ring. At the top of the inverted bottom of the plate came a line one millimeter thick. She spiraled her hand all the way to her wrist.

Andrei looked at his left hand, and there was the same pattern, as if his mirror image. He showed everything to his wife - there was no limit to surprise. Let's be clear - Andrei did not experience unpleasant feelings, it seemed that everything was drawn. The rub with your hand does not wear off. Poured water on his elbows - everything instantly washed away! So easily and quickly washed off aniline or watercolor paints. That's the whole story.

By the way, on the fourth day nothing significant happened, and whether the dream had anything to do with the drawings - who knows?

And here's another curious case. It took place in the village of Ikonnikovo in the Krasnoselsk region of Kostrom oblast.

On the morning of June 16, Nikolai S. as usual, undressed on the waist, rubbed a terry towel, abundantly soaked with cold well water. My wife came up and gasped.

"Nikolai, who did this cross on your back?" Then she sat down on the sofa and cried. "Not for good!

And Nikolai Vasilyevich moved the hold at the angle of the sash and looked at the "miracle". Yes, he had a natural cross on his back. It seemed that N.V. on the beach lay down on his stomach, bared his back, and some prankster put on it a cut out of paper cross. N.V. lay down, his back caught fire, and where the cross was laid, there was a white trail. But nothing like that ever happened.

Nikolai Vasilyevich is 58 years old, he is disabled in the second group (ischemic heart disease), not up to tanning, it seems. All the villagers, their relatives, who came from the city for the weekend, came to marvel at the miraculous image. N.V. did not refuse anyone, rolled his shirt on the shoulder blades: here, they say, look, I wear my cross myself!

On the offer of some skeptics to go to the doctor or where to take the picture, answered with a refusal:

"It doesn't bother you, it's not hard to wear!

Indeed, frankly, the cross did not cause much concern or inconvenience: this place did not hurt, did not scratch, there was no burning, no itching. Five or six days passed, and the cross faded, the difference in color between him and the rest of the skin diminished, the cross began to merge with it, and then disappeared altogether.

The next story occurred with a young woman Anna K., who lives in the city of Manturovo (Kostrom region).

Anna on January 26, 1996 came to V. Diachkov (as she explained, "by emergency") and that's what she told. She doesn't work, she works at home and has kids. Family life turned out quite well, there are no special deviations in health. She is interested in anomalous phenomena, gladly reads various publications of this kind in newspapers, watches TV shows, but treats a lot with distrust. She herself has never seen any "miracles."

At the end of October 1995, she had a dream in which she saw a young, tall, very slender and beautiful woman dressed in something black and long. The garment accentuated the thin, sheath, waist and curvy, wide hips. The face is elongated, huge dark brown eyes, hair combed back, curls, at shoulder level. Anna specified that she perceived the woman for some reason as unearthly.

The woman held out her hand and said, "Take it! We all use this cream!

Anna saw in the palm of a stranger a small jar like the Vietnamese "Star". On the lid you could clearly see the image: something like a forged or shovel without a handle. She took the cream or not - does not remember, on that and woke up.

In the early morning of December 7, Anna felt a sharp burning sensation on her right breast. She got up, went to the mirror and was about: just above the nipple she saw the same image as on the jar with the cream. The contours of the drawing were limited to noticeable redness of the skin. Late in the evening this picture disappeared, but... appeared another, in the same place, the same size. It resembled a schematic image of a bird with open wings (as if in flight). And then miracles began to happen!

On the afternoon of January 8, then on the night of January 23 and the next day, Anna discovered new drawings that had consistently appeared and disappeared, all the same "birds" deployed in flight each time from different angles, and various additions to it: half-ellapses, unopened circles with swirling edges, as well as large enough dots on the silhouettes of a bird and circles and broken lines connecting these dots.

In all cases, the appearance of the drawings was accompanied by burning, a slight tingling and even a general increase in temperature (from 37.2 to 37.5 degrees Celsius). There was also some weakness, apathy. Anna K. seems to have been tested by some other civilization. It is possible that with the help of drawings-symbols she was given some information, or rather, tried to pass.

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