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Planetary scientists argue with the "UFO hunter" about mysterious balls

Added Mon, 17/07/2023
Дата публикации
Mon, 17/07/2023

Avi Loeb, a guru in the field of UFO searches and an astronomer working with Harvard University, said that small balls consisting of mysterious alloys he found in the Pacific Ocean in 2014 may indicate some interstellar object and, possibly, the existence of alien civilizations. Although many media outlets have paid attention to this, not all representatives of science agree with Loeb.

According to planetary scientist Monica Grady, the balls found in the ocean are most likely only elements of some kind of debris of terrestrial origin. Professor Grady also noted that there may be a lot of interstellar material on the ocean floor, but it clearly does not look like Loeb's find.

Loeb bases his claims on the nickel content in the found beads, but this is a weak basis for a bold hypothesis. The most concrete proof could be the age of the balls, exceeding the age of the main star of our system (if it could be determined). In this case, at least it would become clear that the balls are really from outer space. But even this would not be a sign of artificial origin.

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