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In Chelyabinsk blue snow fell

Added Mon, 09/01/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 12/02/2015

Bright blue snow fell the evening of 11 February in the village Locomotive of the Soviet district of Chelyabinsk, told the correspondent of "AIF-Chelyabinsk" witness mysterious phenomena Dmitry Kurenok.

"Snow is an unusual color for the inhabitants of the Locomotive noticed the evening before, but did not attach much importance to the blue paths in the darkness, says Kurenok. But once bloomed, blue snow was all clear".

Pictures of blue snow uploaded to the social network, chelyabinets made near the warehouses of group of companies "Energomash" on the street athletic, 34. According to the young man, blue snow everywhere on the ground, on parked cars, on the roofs of buildings.

The CPS announced the cause of blue snow in Chelyabinsk. They explained that rainfall is an unusual color is due to food dye for Easter eggs.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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