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Don't miss: the season of silver clouds has begun

Added Sat, 08/06/2024
Дата публикации
Fri, 07/06/2024

It is possible to observe silvery clouds from the Ground only in the first half of summer in the middle latitudes (between 43° and 60°), at dusk.

These are the highest clouds on the planet: located at an altitude of 70-90 km, they are illuminated by the sun that has already set below the horizon and acquire a unique silvery glow.

How can they be distinguished from the usual ones?

These clouds are very "thin" — bright stars are easily visible through their silvery "cobweb". Other tropospheric clouds look like dark spots because they are located below and are not illuminated by sunlight.

If you see glowing wavy lines, tendrils, ripples or scallops at dusk, this is it!

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