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The funnel that swallowed the child on Mount Baldi as it turned out was formed on the site of an ancient tree

Added Fri, 02/06/2023
Дата публикации
Fri, 02/06/2023

In 2013, on Lake Michigan, a 6-year-old boy, Nathan Wessner, was covered with sand when a sinkhole swallowed him up on Mount Baldy. He spent more than three hours under the sand before being released by rescuers. But the most interesting thing is where this funnel and others in the area (she is not alone there) came from at all.

Geologist Erin Argilin investigated this phenomenon and found that the funnel was formed due to ancient trees that grew on this site more than 4.5 thousand years ago. Then, for some reason, the trees were filled up with sand. Trees rotted and left cavities that remained stable due to "decomposition of organic materials and biomineralization of calcium carbonate cement."

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