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Hundreds of fish jumped out of the lake because of the songs

Added Tue, 20/06/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 20/06/2017

Weird video became viral in social networking — it is a huge number of fish at the same time is thrown out of the water, and then trembling on the pavement near the lake.

Whoever shot this is a terrible act, perhaps, was in utter horror. Silver creation is slowly but surely losing the battle for survival.

The reasons for fish to suicide, it seems incredible. As explained by the authorities of the County Boy in the urban district of Jiaozuo in Central China's Henan province, the white carp became stranded because of the song contest, which took place nearby. It was not simple singing karaoke, and really loud event.
But many Park visitors, seeing the mass death of fish, was thinking about something else — the impending natural cataclysm.

The authorities also deny the rumors about the leakage, as some witnesses suggested that the fish tried to escape from the lake from electrical shock.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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