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10 scientific facts about ghosts, poltergeists, visions, mediums, spirits and other vermin

1. Shadows of people who see some people appear with random "glitches" electricity in the brain. Especially often "shadow" visit epileptics.

2. Physicist Michael Faraday in the 19th century found out that in spiritualism (communicating with spirits), the participants unwittingly pulled the tables due to the ideomotor effect.

3. Ghosts or other ghosts often result from effects on the brain infrasound. While man cannot distinguish between infrasound, it does not mean that he does not catch. Infrasound can occur due to storms, wind, weather conditions, and even household appliances.

4. Automatism, or an altered state of consciousness, when people Express some thoughts, but don't realize it, explains the existence of mediums.

5. The sudden flow of cold air in "haunted houses" are called trivial convection: movement of warm layers of air up and cool — down.

6. "Balls of light" in photos that some people tend to believe the Ghost, most of all — a speck of dust or a small insect, dead on the camera lens when shooting.

7. In houses heated by furnaces, you can "see spirits" as a result of pipe damage and carbon monoxide poisoning, leading to hallucinations.

8. Sometimes people fall into a state of mass hysteria, especially in places where stress is the normal state, for example, in schools or in workplaces with high demands. This can lead to collective hallucinations.

9. Ionization is a random occurrence in some places ions affect our mood and confuses the brain, which can contribute to feelings of depression coupled with strange visions.

10. Some modern scholars explain the phenomenon of "tunneling" when clinical death of quantum mechanics. However, their theory has yet to be confirmed, but in any case, to the afterlife, they have no relationship.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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