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An impressive water tornado was observed off the coast of Italy

Added Mon, 23/10/2023
Дата публикации
Mon, 23/10/2023

A giant water tornado swept off the coast of Piombino, a municipality in the province of Livorno, Italy.

Numerous eyewitnesses in Kalamoresk observed a natural spectacle around 15:00 local time. On the one hand, the threatening element attracted the attention of people, on the other hand, it caused fears that it could move to land.

The vortex, which formed against the background of inclement weather in the region, quickly dissipated. However, some eyewitnesses managed to capture the elements in photos and videos.

Water tornadoes can most often be observed in autumn. Usually they are not very dangerous, because they quickly lose strength and mostly dissipate before they have time to go ashore. But a small number of them sometimes turn into ground tornadoes, so great caution is required if you find yourself nearby.

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