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The chief forecaster of St. Petersburg explained the appearance of tornado-like clouds

Added Fri, 29/07/2022
Дата публикации
Fri, 29/07/2022

Unusual clouds similar to a tornado were noticed over the Gulf of Finland in the Leningrad region.

Photos on the evening of July 27 were published in the public "My Pine Forest" in the social network "VKontakte". The author of the pictures said that he counted six tornadoes that followed each other.

"Witnesses say that the trunk of one descended to the water," the report says.

In the comments, some residents of Sosnovy Bor said that they had never seen anything like this over the bay, others, on the contrary, said that they had met with such a phenomenon.

According to the chief forecaster of St. Petersburg Alexander Kolesov, clouds with tails are periodically noticed over the Gulf of Finland.

"These are not tornadoes, as there is no strong wind there. In the Gulf of Finland, this is often noticed in different years. Strong updrafts form in a convective cloud, and the wind under the cloud increases. It is a very complicated process, but such a "tail" does not develop into a full—fledged tornado," Kolesov told the Petersburg Diary.

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