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A lightning strike created a 10-meter trench in Alpena, Michigan

Added Thu, 09/09/2021
Дата публикации
Thu, 09/09/2021

A lightning strike caused chaos in one of the districts of Alpena. The fire service of the city of Alpena posted photos of the destruction left after a strong thunderstorm.

Fire crews were called to a house on West Campbell Street. Firefighters reported that they found a trench almost 10 meters long, formed as a result of a lightning strike, and said that it scattered debris for half a block.

Rich McDonald was having lunch at work across the street when he heard a noise that he described as an explosion.

"We heard a loud explosion, went outside, looked, and there were tree branches falling into the backyard, smoke, and then we noticed bricks on the ground and a deep furrow a dozen meters long," McDonald said.

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