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Mermaids and the home — story of life

Added Fri, 11/01/2019
Дата публикации
Fri, 11/01/2019

Information from the eyewitness:

I was told 2 times about mermaids, though I've never seen them. First mother talked about the fact that the local landowner in the artificial pond there lived as many as three mermaids. One of them stabbed the son of a landowner, the remaining lured him in, and drowned, in the end, the pond was ordered to drain. Such are the local legends.

Then told my mother's brother about how they went at night to graze the horses, and out of the hut in complete silence, his friend saw three girls going to swim, just like floating over the earth, whitish and translucent. But it's all hearsay.

What I experienced personally. This brownie. Twice.

Say at once, it was in the five-storey building, a small working village is closely associated with the countryside, with private wooden houses, iconostases, where you can find one cow away from the village for 5-7 miles.

I was sitting in my room in silence and heard a very faint sound similar to the ticking hand of a mechanical watch. Went to the sound and came to the lower-left corner of the glass door, the sound was coming from there. When the father came — the ticking continued. I called him, he listened and said, "that some cricket."

Second time exactly the same ticking was heard from the corner of the wall at a height of approximately 1:70. No cricket to hide there could not because in the corner of the only concrete and Wallpaper. Both times in the next 3 days there have been horrifying stressful situation. Which — alas this is not a topic for public conversation. Let me just say that the second left a deep wound in the soul and forever changed my attitude to some people.

Here is what I saw with my own eyes. And another mother told me one night she was watching TV and suddenly between her and the screen swam a shadow shaped like the logo of McDonald's (i.e. the shape of the letter "M"). Before the TV at night and then loudly "popped" after the creaking stopped.

By the way, "the creaking of the TV" problem is quite common, I have another apartment also cracked.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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