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On the map of the 16th century found a picture of a mermaid with a UFO in his hands

Added Mon, 17/08/2020
Дата публикации
Sat, 18/11/2017

This map of North and South America was drawn in 1562 in Antwerp on six large sheets, each of which is almost a meter wide. Later the sheets were glued together and there was a luxuriously illustrated map, which can be fully viewed on the link.

Until the mid-18th century it was the official and largest Spanish map of the two Americas. It represented Spanish domination in the New World, defining the limits of Spain's sphere of power, as well as recognizing the French and Portuguese presence on the continent. The map carefully drawn well-known in those years rivers, mountains, volcanoes, as well as quite ordinary monkeys and parrots. But there you can find and rather strange images.

For example, giants in Patagonia, the chariot of the Gods, sea monsters, dragons or the image of two mermaids, one of which holds a disc in his hand, extremely similar to a typical UFO disk. The second mermaid, located just above on the map, also has an object in hand, but it is oval and most likely it is a mirror, as it looks into it. Is a UFO in the hand of another mermaid a mirror too? Or is it still a real UFO, it was seen 500 years ago in America and it was associated with mermaids? This is not the first time that the mysterious picture has attracted the attention of ufologists all over the world, and the other day the material about the mermaid with a UFO was published on the site of the and again flew on blogs and other sites.

The mystery of THE UFO and the mermaid remains unsolved, 100% undisputed explanation of the picture until the story was not given.

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