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In North Carolina from the sky to car fell som

Added Wed, 25/12/2019
Дата публикации
Wed, 25/12/2019

North Carolina motorists should be careful: from the sky began to fall very hefty fish, which may hurt. A local resident by the name of Reza Walston said that, in the evening when she went home, her windshield fell som. Fish has damaged the glass, creating it like a web.

As it turned out, the catfish were carrying the bird, however, most likely, failed. The incident occurred during road River Road (Washington, North Carolina). Channel KSAZ found out that the bird looked like a hawk. In any case the dimensions were similar.

Fortunately, neither of Razi nor her three year old son, who was also in the car, was not injured. Woman urged to be careful on the roads as you never know what to expect. To find fish of Razi helped passing by cousin with her husband, otherwise the woman would have no one believed.

The news first appeared on the social network Facebook, it quickly became viral, gathering more than a thousand reviews.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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