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Orange snow fell in Saratov

Added Mon, 09/01/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 02/02/2015

On Monday, social media was filled with reports about the orange, yellow, red or pink snow in the Saratov region. Some have suggested that there had been a release of hazardous substances. Unusual natural phenomenon commented on the news Agency "Vzglyad-info" the head of the regional meteorologist Michael Boltukhin. Weather in the region is due to the influence of the European territory South of the cyclone were from the districts of the Mediterranean and Black seas. This air mass arrives in the middle troposphere up to 5 km altitude there is a strong southwest flow. With areas of Northern Africa, Saharan, this air mass has passed the Mediterranean and Black seas, were filled with moisture and scooped up sand from North Africa.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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