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The Resurs-P spacecraft was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome

Added Wed, 19/08/2020
Дата публикации
Tue, 25/06/2013

Today, June 25, at 21 hours 28 minutes of Moscow time from the launch complex of the Square 31 Baikonur Cosmodrome, the launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with the Resurs-P spacecraft took place.

In accordance with the flight cyclogram at 21 hours 38 minutes, the spacecraft separated from the third stage of the carrier and was put into a predetermined orbit.

The Resource-P spacecraft was designed and manufactured by CSKB-Progress and is designed for remote sensing of the Earth (DZ) and transmission of the data received by radio channel to the ground planning complex of targeted application, reception, processing and distribution of data for a wide range of targets for the benefit of customers - the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rosrybolovy, Roshydromet and the Federal State Registration Service.

The data obtained by the Resource-P space complex will be used to solve the problems of inventory and monitoring of natural resources, to observe areas of emergency situations, to obtain data for compiling and updating maps of various scales, control of pollution and degradation of the environment, control of water protection and protected areas, search for oil, natural gas, ore and other mineral deposits, control of the development of areas, obtain data for engineering assessment of the area in the interests of economic activities , information support for the laying of highways and large structures, roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, communication systems, detection of illegal crops of drug-containing plants and control of their destruction, assessment of the ice situation.

The information received from the Resource-P spacecraft can also be used to develop Russia's international cooperation in the field of environmental control and protection and other pressing tasks of remote sensing of the Earth, roscosmos press servicereports.

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