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Scientists have drawn attention to the strange reaction of animals to the solar eclipse

Added Sun, 14/04/2024
Дата публикации
Sun, 14/04/2024

Animals in American zoos reacted strangely to the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Scientists have noticed this, Sky Mews reports.

One of the employees of the Fort Worth Zoo in Texas said that during the eclipse, the gorilla went to the door as if it was time to go to bed, and two flocks of flamingos huddled together, began to sing more actively, and one of them even began to march, which is a sign of group cohesion.

Strange behavior has also been recorded in animals in a swamp in Nevada. They heard coyotes howling there.

Sky News noted that although an eclipse occurs every 18 months, little is still known about the reaction of animals to it. At the same time, all available studies note their strange behavior during such periods. In particular, in 1991, during the eclipse in Mexico, colonial farts weaving balls began to break their nets. In Arizona, it was noticed that cicadas stop singing when the sun is 50% closed, and giraffes, baboons, gorillas and lorikeets exhibit alarming behavior.

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