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The spillway in the dam like a black hole

Added Fri, 24/02/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 23/02/2017

To prevent huge dams to overflow, when due to heavy rainfalls their water level rises, the use of weirs. Water flows downstream, and dams cope with the downpours without accidents and threats of flooding of settlements.

If you do not think about the scale, the process of leaving the water in the Weir is similar to the drain in the bathtub, but only from height of bird's flight. Shot by the drone hole of the Weir is more like a black hole "sucking" all and Sundry.


Now, when in California, finally, are the heaviest rains, the spillway at the Monticello dam in NAPA County, is working overtime to cope with the water level in the lake Berryessa. Every second, more than 1.3 thousand cubic meters of water sent into the river of Puta Creek.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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