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In the us state of Idaho has passed a rain of dead geese

Added Mon, 09/01/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 19/03/2015

On the heads of the people of the state of Idaho has fallen two thousand dead geese. It happened because of the epidemic of avian cholera that has engulfed some parts of the US. For humans, this disease does not pose great danger, but the environment is clearly not is cleaner there, where the accumulated dead bodies of birds, according to Reuters.

A large flock of geese died in flight during the annual migration on the Northern coast of Alaska. Dozens of employees of the hunting and fisheries Idaho together with volunteers collected and burned the bodies of fallen birds. "They fell from the sky. This is a sure sign of cholera," — said the representative of the fishing and hunting Department of Idaho Greg Losinski.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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