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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Turkmenistan

ID #1518689588
Added Thu, 15/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Tamara Myzina lives in the city of Ashgabat. In 1990, when happened to her this story, she was about 40 years. According to the woman, she traveled aboard a huge "flying saucer that looks like a bagel".

At the end of June 1990, Tamara went to her mother's apartment to spend the night there. Escape from the fierce heat of Ashgabat, mother left for the summer to stay with relatives in Central Russia. Before leaving, asked my daughter to stop by from time to time, abandoned her house, to check whether all there safely. Late that evening, Tamara spread in my mother's apartment bed, but was in no hurry to meet it. The woman could not sleep. According to her statement, she stood on the veranda at the open window and was thinking, imagine about the plurality of inhabited worlds.

"That would be great, I thought, looking at the night sky, Mysina, if flying now in the sky some kind of miracle some kind of glowing UFO. And I would have seen it... In the papers, other lucky people have seen UFOs, some even repeatedly. And I never had a chance...".

In those years the press wrote a lot about UFO was just an incredible burst of activity "plates" and there was a lot of eyewitness accounts. So it's no surprise that Tamara really wanted to see this phenomenon. With only this thought in my head Tamara went around midnight to bed. Turned on the AC and went to bed.

Mysina recalls:

— Slept soundly, without dreams. And in the dead of night suddenly woke up, awakened by the noises from the street. Hear two teenagers shout: "UFO flies! UFO flies!.."I remember I was surprised. Think: why is that boy awake, and hanging around at night on the yards? But then it dawned on me, what they shout. I was so glad to finally see! I wanted to jump out of bed, rush to the window. There it was.

Tamara saw in the room two people — a man and a woman. The man stood near the headboard of her bed, and the woman sat in the chair opposite the bed. They were dressed in dark suits, similar to the shape skaters. Growth each exceeded two meters. Misinai especially remember that they had abnormally long neck on which stood a strange head — large and stretched vertically, like cucumbers. Tamara says:

— I'm so scared, all vzhavshis in bed. Decided — thieves! And in the next second, I was blinded by a powerful beam of light fell into the room from the porch through the open door.

Then Mysina heard a female voice that said:

— We are the aliens. Want to get in contact with us?

— Want — frightened whisper said Tamara. — Really want. I am glad to you... E-E... I welcome you to our Land!

Further Mysina vaguely remembers, but insists that all that happened then wasn't imagining it.

— I was carried feet first out of the apartment through the porch, she reports. — My head was tilted to the left and sort of hanging down. If I was lying on some stretcher. When carried to the yard, I covered a wide beam that fell slantwise from the sky. And suddenly I began to climb the beam into the sky, flew up and diagonally across the yard.

Soon he found himself in a small boat, — continues the story she. Inside was darkness. The room was oval. In the wall was a large window, oval, stretched horizontally. In the window flickered the stars... Dimly, as through a haze, in front of the window, sitting with his back to me man — well, sort of like a pilot. Before him something like a panel with buttons.

To my right sits a woman and in an emphasis looks at me. A few minutes later one of the stars that shone outside the window-a porthole, suddenly became bright red and began to grow in size, simultaneously stretching out horizontally in a long red line. Then she disappeared. In place of it appeared in the side window space the mist of a device, similar to a donut with Windows, like an airplane. It all glowed brightly, and every second increased in size.

Mysina realized that the "ship", in which she now was approaching the "donut", a huge, apparently, the largest. At this point, the satellites Tamara began to talk animatedly in a strange language to her. Their speech is, by definition, Misinai, like a mouse squeak.

— Then came my failure in memory, — says Tamara. — Then come in yourself and see, lie on the floor in a very spacious oval room. Further remember very clearly. Around me rise the three tiers of the rows of seats. In the chairs sit men. I was lying in the center, as at the circus. Near me is in the arena, a man about fifty years of age, is very high. And the second giant, who was younger then too, in the arena a few steps aside from the first one. Feel a force lifting me. The back rests on the shoulder and in the buttocks kind of Board. Raised the force, I stood in an inclined position, the heels touch the floor, and the body hanging in the air at a sharp angle. One of the two men standing in the arena, said a sonorous baritone: — We are very concerned about the fact that you on Earth are increasing their arsenals of missiles. Are not you afraid? Do you not understand that preparing for a collective suicide?

Tamara says:

— Before you answer, I smiled. Then with joy in her voice was to assure them that the situation on the Ground recently radically changed. We said, now reducing weapons, destroying the missiles disarmed. The man interrupted me occasionally distrustful remarks, asked to clarify the details. I felt he did not really believe me. We have him having that kind of discussion. I was excited, trying to convince him otherwise. And suddenly lost consciousness. Masina came to myself at half-past eight o'clock in the morning. She was aware of himself lying on a bed in her mother's apartment. Wellbeing of women was disgusting. With great difficulty, she got dressed and went to work. Every bone, every muscle she had ached as if drove over the body of an asphalt skating rink. The pain subsided only after three days.

From the book A. Prime "the twentieth century. Chronicle of the unexplained. The phenomenon behind the phenomenon"

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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