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On the New Urengoy rose diamond sun

Added Sun, 15/04/2018
Дата публикации
Sat, 14/04/2018

The network began to appear unique photos of our star: the risen sun acquired for unknown reasons, the shape of a rhombus. The inhabitants of Novy Urengoy, where there was an anomaly, wondered what he saw, all quickly grabbed their phones and started taking pictures of non-standard sun.

The scientists noted that for Northern latitudes the phenomenon of diamond sun quite peculiar. Experts have even introduced the term "complex halo." So what is anomaly? As explained by scientists around the sun in the air to accumulate droplets of water through which catches the light. It is the "game" of light and creates discussed in Novy Urengoy illusion.

It is worth noting that the sun rhombic shape appears from time to time in the South of the Russian Federation, the phenomenon mainly occurs in the mountains.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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