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An amazing phenomenon in the sky over Nizhnekamsk: The sun breaks through the clouds

Added Wed, 07/06/2023
Дата публикации
Thu, 01/06/2023

Last Sunday, residents of the city of Nizhnekamsk had a unique opportunity to witness a fantastic natural phenomenon. In the sky, among the floating clouds, an almost perfectly round hole appeared, through which the rays of the sun penetrated. This spectacular and rare spectacular moment caused a wide resonance in the network, thanks to the fact that citizens were able to capture it in photos and share them on social networks.

A series of exciting pictures was taken in the area of the city's embankment, where residents were surprised to observe this amazing natural phenomenon. One of the authors of the photos was a man who compared a hole in the clouds with a mysterious hatch. His comment immediately caused a wave of reactions in the online community:

"Until someone falls, they won't react in any way..."

Some viewers were reminded of the UFO landing by these light rays penetrating through the clouds. Humorous comments and broad discussions about the origin of this unusual phenomenon appeared on the web. However, scientists quickly rushed to explain this natural moment.

Experts in the field of meteorology explained that this phenomenon is called a "solar halo". It occurs when the sun's rays pass through ice crystals in clouds. These crystals reflect and scatter light, creating spectacular effects that we see in photographs.

Scientists also noted that such solar halos can have various shapes, including circles, arcs, or even a lot of penetrating rays. These observations contribute to a deeper understanding of the nature of light and air phenomena, and also help to improve our knowledge of meteorology.

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