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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Finland

ID #1535037516
Added Thu, 23/08/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
29.11.1939 17:00
Саариарви, Куллаа

Just before the great Winter war, 14-year old Arvo was in the forest, and his father collecting firewood. When dusk fell, they went home.

Almost immediately, the boy noticed on the right side of the path, on a small rocky hill with a height of 2-3 meters, a strange device with a diameter of 3-4 meters. He suggested that this is a factory of vodka, and as he had never seen her before, he wanted to see.

However, his father did not allow him to get closer to the object. He observed the device from a distance of about 70 meters. He described the device with a diameter of 3-4 meters, savchina at the top that was hidden behind the dense fir trees. The lower part was round like a kettle and it was about 2.5 meters high, supported by perhaps three landing legs from 2-3 stems ending in triangular plates.

From the bottom of the vehicle appeared "dull" flame like an inverted candle with a length of 1.5 meters. Laterally the lower part of the object went 5-6 strong lights of different colors at an angle of 45 degrees down and about 1 meter long. From the object came a loud noise, resembling the emission of the gas.

Near objectin was human human being the growth of 160 cm, which was dressed in a suit like an astronaut, with a round helmet that had an oval hole.

Also there was 2 or 3 robot-like creatures, which was the side of the head. At least one of these robots lifted his legs very high when walking, so Arvo could see that his legs were like two rods below the knee, ending on the plate.

It was impossible to discern their actions because of twilight and trees.

The next day the war began, but Arvo went to the place of landing, despite the objections of his father, who also refused to take the firewood. In the place where were seen the object was triangular sign. In this area were also strong, unpleasant smell.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The day before the great Winter War began, 14-year old Arvo was in the forest with his father collecting firewood. When it was getting to be twilight they headed home. Almost at once the boy noticed on the right side of the path, on a small rocky hill some 2-3 meters high, a strange device 3-4 meters in diameter. He assumed it was a moonshine factory and since he had never seen one before he wanted to have a look. His father however deterred him from approaching the object. He observed the device from a distance of about 70 meters. He described the device as being 3-4 meters in diameter, narrowing at the top, which was hidden by the dense firs. The bottom section was round like a kettle and it was about 2.5 meters in height, supported by perhaps three landing legs made of 2-3 rods ending in triangular plates, which he would observe later. From the bottom of the craft emanated a “dull” flame like that of an upside down candle, 1.5 meters long. From the sides of the lower section of the object shot out 5-6 strong flames of different colors angled at 45 degrees down and about 1 meter in length, emitting a loud noise resembling that of escaping gas. Standing outside the object was a 160cm tall human like creature, which was clad in an astronaut-like suit with a round helmet, which had an oval opening. It was carrying a box, which he was apparently using to “direct” 2 or 3 robot-like creatures, which had box-like heads. At least one of these Robots lifted his legs very high when walking, so Arvo could see that the legs were like two rods below the knees ending in a plate. It was not possible to make a very accurate or detailed observation of their activities due to the twilight and covering trees. The next day the Winter War began, but Arvo went to the landing site, despite his father’s objections, which also refused to go fetch firewood with him. At the site where the object was seen there was a triangular mark of a support leg. There was also a strong, unpleasant smell in the area.


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