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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1560957104
Added Wed, 19/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.12.1980 23:30
Чикопи, MA
United States

30 December 1980, at about 23:30, the woman who was lying in bed, watched a UFO hovering near her home in Chicopee (Massachusetts). Reading the story of this young woman, we might think that she was the unfortunate victim of alien abductions.

That night the witness quietly asleep in his room when he heard a loud noise. Naturally, she looked out the window and noticed the presence of a kind of orange of a meteorite soaring over the house.

She went to the kitchen and called my sister, she looked out the window. At first the woman thought it was a meteorite. Bold, she opened the curtains and saw a machine in the form of a black diamond, which radiated a few green lights. The object was on the roof of the back porch. The UFO was about 10 feet (3 m) wide and 8 feet (2.5 m) in height.

Although the object is on the ground for several minutes, the witness decided to go outside to learn about this supernatural phenomenon. Just before she managed to get out, she heard a menacing voice in your head speaking to her:

"Don't go outside, we'll make you hurt."

Shortly thereafter, the object is slid horizontally along the veranda, then hung a few inches from the court. The green lights went out, and black diamond seemed darker than the night sky. The object flew straight up and disappeared.

After that rather strange meeting, the woman didn't remember returning to my bed. Even weirder: a few hours later when she woke up, she noticed that her Slippers, which she never had before, and that her hands mysteriously crossed over his chest.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Le 30 décembre 1980, vers 23 heures 30, une femme, qui était alors dans son lit, observa, de longues minutes durant, un OVNI qui planait tout près de son domicile située à Chicopee (dans le Massachussetts). En lisant le récit de cette jeune femme, on peut penser qu’elle a été la malheureuse victime d’un enlèvement par les extraterrestres.

Cette nuit-là, notre témoin dormait tranquillement dans sa chambre quand elle entendit un puissant bruit de tonnerre. Naturellement, elle regarda par la fenêtre et remarqua la présence d’une sorte d’aérolithe de couleur orange qui planait au-dessus d’une maison.

Elle alla dans sa cuisine et appela sa sœur à venir regarder par la fenêtre. Au départ, la femme pensait qu’il s’agissait d’une météorite. Courageuse, elle ouvrit les rideaux de la pièce et elle vit un engin en forme de diamant noir qui émettait plusieurs lumières vertes. L’objet était posé sur le toit du porche arrière. L’OVNI mesurait environ 10 pieds de large pour 8 de hauteur.

Alors que l’objet était atterri pendant quelques minutes déjà, le témoin se décida de sortir à l’extérieur afin de mieux examiner ce phénomène surnaturel. Seulement, avant qu’elle ait eu le temps de mettre un pied dehors, elle entendit une voix menaçante dans sa tête lui dire :

« N’allez pas à l'extérieur, nous vous ferons du mal. »

Peu de temps après, l'objet glissa horizontalement au-dessus de la véranda avant de planer à quelques dizaines centimètres de la cour. Les feux verts s’éteignirent et le diamant noir paraissait être plus sombre que le ciel nocturne. L’objet décolla rapidement et disparu définitivement.

Après cette rencontre plutôt étrange, la femme ne se souvint pas être retournée dans son lit. Plus étrange encore : quelques heures plus tard, quand elle se réveilla, elle remarquait qu’elle portait des pantoufles qu’elle n’avait pas auparavant, et que ses mains étaient mystérieusement croisées sur sa poitrine.


Chicopee, Massachusetts
Date: December 30 1980 Time: 2330
The witness was sleeping in her room when she heard a sound like thunder. She looked out the window and saw an orange fireball gliding over the house. She went to the kitchen and told her sister to come to the window and watch what they thought was a meteor falling into the backyard. She pulled open the kitchen curtains and saw a black diamond-shaped craft with green lights on the points settle onto the back porch roof. The green lights were not bright and the diamond was only about 10 ft across and 8 ft high. A low hum was shaking the house and rattling the back window. The object sat on the roof for a few minutes and as she prepared to go outside she heard a voice in her head say, “Don’t go outside, you’ll get hurt”. Finally the object slid horizontally off the porch and hovered over the backyard. The green lights then went off and the black diamond appeared to be blacker than the sky. It took off seemingly flying fast and slow at the same time. She does not remember going to bed, but a few hours later she woke up tucked into bed, wearing slippers that she had not been wearing earlier and her hands crossed over her chest. (?)

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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