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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Italy

ID #1561046743
Added Thu, 20/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.1954 02:00
Камалдоли NA

The man called the "Dattilo Vicenzo" (67), lawyer, journalist, writer and poet, was praying in front of the main monastery, when he saw the "star" descends from the sky, spinning very fast. For some time the object was flying horizontally back and forth, and then stopped at a distance of about 100 metres over the head of the witness. Subsequently, the "star" descended vertically and landed "smoothly and quietly" at a distance of about 20 meters from Dattilo.

Intense light around the object went out, and witness saw a large saucer with a width of 10 meters. The object had two domes in the center, one on top and one underneath. The top dome was two long and thin antennae that are slightly moved as the wind. The object seemed to be located slightly above the ground but not in contact with her. Suddenly at the bottom of the dome opened an oval hatch, and there was a small creature. The witness saw another creature in the lower transparent dome.

This second creature was sitting and seemed to be "ruffled" like a doll. The first creature approached the witness and made a gesture as if to say: "Stay where you are. Don't move." It stopped at a distance of about four or five meters from Dattilo. And he and the creature stared into each other's eyes.

Another creature with a height of about one meter was put in a transparent outfit, radiating a bluish light. This spacesuit seemed "impermeable to everything that was in contact with him from the outside." The creature began to speak, uttering some guttural sounds. First, Dattilo did not understand a word, but then his "linguistic knowledge" led him to understand the speech of creatures.

After some attempts, Dattilo and the creature was finally able to communicate in old Latin, but they made a lot of mistakes. Being claimed (also using some of the gestures by which it was indicated by yourself and also on the saucer) to belong to this world, from a place in which science evolved a lot over the last few years. According to the report,the ship of this nation were powered by the gigantic natural forces, revolutionary discovery that can make any other aircraft or weapons obsolete, and to "submit to the heavenly world to the world." Dattilo asked the creature why these plates were manned exclusively creatures of low growth.

The creature made some gesture and jumped about two feet off the ground.

Dattilo said that in a country where it was built saucer (he refused to disclose the name), "men" are highly valued and specially trained to become pilots of a saucer. The creature looked around, and Dattilo said a few words in Latin. In response, the creature made a greeting with his hand, and then turned to the object.

Being included in the transparent cockpit of the object through the open hatch, aided by some external force. He took a seat next to the other creature that had his hands on a certain mechanism of the steering wheel. This other creature had several small bright flashing lights on his face.

The object lit up and then took off vertically, emitting a light rattling sound. Once the object has reached a certain altitude, he flew back and forth horizontally while continuing to rotate.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A man identified as “Vicenzo Dattilo” (aged 67) a lawyer-journalist-writer-poet, was praying before the main convent when he saw a “star” descending from the sky while it spun very rapidly. The object flew horizontally to and fro for some time, and then stopped at approximately 100 meters over the witness head. Subsequently the “star” descended vertically and landed “smoothly and silently,” at a distance of some 20 meters from Dattilo.

The intense illumination surrounding the object extinguished and the witness observed a large, 10 meter-wide saucer. The object had two domes at its center, one above and the other underneath. The upper dome possessed two long and thin antennae which moved slightly as if from the wind. The object appeared to be positioned a bit above the ground while not coming into contact with it. All of the sudden, an oval hatch opened in the lower dome and a small creature emerged. The witness glimpsed another creature in the lower, transparent dome.

This second being was seated and appeared “fluffed up and ruffled” like a doll. The first creature approached the witness and made a gesture as if to say, “Stay where you are do not move.” It stopped at a distance of about four or five meters from Dattilo, and both he and the creature made eye contact with each other. The being stood approximately one meter in height and was dressed in a transparent outfit which emitted a bluish colored light. This spacesuit seemed “impermeable to anything coming into contact with it from the outside.” The creature began to speak by emitting some guttural sounds. At first Dattilo didn’t understand a word, but then, his “linguistic knowledge” led him to comprehend the source of the being’s speech.

After some attempts, Dattilo and the creature finally managed to converse in Old Latin, although they made many mistakes. The creature claimed (also by using some gestures whereby it pointed to itself as well as the saucer) to be of this world, from a country where science had developed much during the last number of years. This nation’s craft were reportedly powered by enormously gigantic natural forces, a revolutionary discovery able to render any other aircraft or weapon obsolete, and “to introduce the peace of heaven to the entire world.” Dattilo inquired of the creature the reason why these saucers were piloted solely by beings short in stature. The being’s response had to do with the continuing development of the craft; this was not perfect, the creature’s made some gestures and jumped about a half meter off the ground, remaining stationary in mid-air.

Dattilo reported that in the country where the saucer was built (he refused to divulge the name of this nation), “little men” are highly esteemed and specially trained to become saucer pilots. The creature glanced around, and Dattilo spoke to it in some words of Latin. In response, the being offered a greeting with its hand and then turned toward the object. The creature entered the object’s transparent cabin through the open hatch, aided by some external force. It took a seat beside the other being, which had its hands on a type of steering wheel mechanism. This other creature sported several small, bright flashing lights on its face. The object illuminated and thereafter took off vertically, producing a slight rumbling sound. Once the object had attained a certain altitude, it flew back and forth horizontally while continuing its spinning. Subsequently the object departed at great velocity and disappeared from sight.


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