ID | #1574329934 |
Added | Thu, 21/11/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
Resume |
Initial data
Residents of the community of San Jose de Tapia in Vera Cruz, Mexico, said that in the area there were supernatural events .
Several acres of sugar cane fields in the area of La Pochota was completely destroyed by something mysterious. According to local residents, not a single person could do. Some believe that UFOs are the only ones to blame in the crash.
Plants that were strangely stacked, located in between roads connecting national road Cordova Naranjal and a place called La Pochota.
Residents reported that three days earlier, in the area where the plants were completely damaged in the sky were seen unexplained lights.
These crop circles are round figures, and the plants inexplicably stacked or burned. In most cases, these phenomena occur in the grain fields such as wheat or corn.
Ufologists link this paranormal with the intervention of alien beings and are associated with the activities of UFOs. However, there is no evidence to support this hypothesis. In recent years, it has been shown that for some people it was fun to create these patterns on the fields.
In this case, there was no trace of man or materials used to complete this pattern. Even more surprising is the fact that some plants are cut with difficulty, which is hard to explain.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Des habitants de la communauté de San José de Tapia, à Veracruz (au Mexique) ont affirmé que des événements surnaturels s’étaient produits dans la région.
Plusieurs hectares de champs de canne à sucre situés dans le lieu-dit La Pochota ont été complètement écrasé par quelque chose de mystérieux. Selon les habitants, aucun être humain ne pourrait avoir fait cela. Certains sont persuadés que les OVNI sont les seuls coupables de ce désastre.
Ce fait est, jusqu’à présent, considéré comme quelque chose de très étrange. Les plants qui ont été étrangement pliés sont situés entre des routes de terre qui font communiquer la route nationale Córdoba-Naranjal et le lieu-dit La Pochota.
Les habitants ont rapporté que trois jours auparavant, dans la zone où les plants ont été retrouvés complètement endommagés, des lumières inexpliquées avaient été aperçues dans le ciel et visibles de près.
Les crop circles sont des dessins circulaires réalisés lorsque des plants sont inexplicablement pliés ou brûlés. La plupart du temps, ces phénomènes se produisent dans des champs de céréales, telles que le blé ou le maïs.
Les ufologues attribuent ces phénomènes paranormaux à l'intervention d'êtres extraterrestres, et liés à l'activité OVNI.
Cependant, il n'existe aucune preuve confirmant cette hypothèse. Ces dernières années, il a été démontré que certaines personnes s’étaient amusées à créer ce genre de motifs dans des champs.
Dans ce cas présent, aucune trace d’être humain ou d’introduction de matériels permettant d’effectuer ce genre de motif n’a été retrouvé. Plus surprenant encore, certains plants sont coupés avec une perfection difficilement explicables.
Córdoba.- Un extraño caso sobre el supuesto avistamiento del fenómeno OVNI (Objeto Volador No Identificado), es de lo que se habla hasta el momento, ya que lugareños de la comunidad de San José de Tapia, en Veracruz, han dado a conocer sobre unos hechos ocurridos en varias hectáreas de cañales que se ubican en tramos de terracería del lugar conocido como La Pochota, donde fue encontrado un cultivo de caña completamente aplastado y lo cual aseguran no pudo haber sido hecho por alguna persona.
Este hecho que hasta el momento es considerado algo muy extraño, ocurrió en unos cañales que se encuentra entre caminos de terracería que comunican de la carretera estatal Córdoba-Naranjal hacia el lugar conocido como La Pochota.
Lugareños, dieron a conocer que hace tres días en la zona donde fueron encontradas las cañas completamente dañadas, se avistaron luces en el cielo, las cuales se apreciaban a corta distancia.
Los círculos en los cultivos, círculos en las cosechas o círculos en el pasto, llamados también agroglifos son diseños circulares de hierba tendida o quemada que aparecen en campos de cultivo, generalmente de cereales como trigo y maíz.
Los aficionados y creyentes en fenómenos paranormales los atribuyen a intervención de seres extraterrestres, concretamente a actividad ovni.
Sin embargo, no hay ninguna evidencia certera que confirme esta última creencia, y algunos que han sido investigados, se ha demostrado que han sido producto de la mano del hombre.
En las cañas no se percibe que maquinaria pesada hubiera entrado, las cañas están aventadas con fuerza a un costado, algunas presentan un corte perfecto.
The wind
Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.
Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.
Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.
Lodging of plants on the field
It is believed that the phenomenon of "circles" has been known for about 400 years. All formations are known for this period, by origin can be divided into two types: natural and artificial.
Annually, researchers, journalists and witnesses encounter a lot of strange shapes in the fields. It's happening everywhere. Often the pattern has no apparent logic, but the skillful application of imagination it can be. As a rule, the cause of the formations is one or more natural factors.
If the photo attached to the article, not illustrative, then the cause of such formations on the field, most likely, was the wind.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The wind
Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.
Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.
Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.
Lodging of plants on the field
It is believed that the phenomenon of "circles" has been known for about 400 years. All formations are known for this period, by origin can be divided into two types: natural and artificial.
Annually, researchers, journalists and witnesses encounter a lot of strange shapes in the fields. It's happening everywhere. Often the pattern has no apparent logic, but the skillful application of imagination it can be. As a rule, the cause of the formations is one or more natural factors.
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