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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Brazil

ID #1716280233
Added Tue, 21/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Сантос - SP

The observation was confirmed a few days later, and the landing site was published in the local newspaper.

It was October 7, 2017, we were in a group of 5 people sitting on the sand by the beach and enjoying a night in the city of Santos in Brazil.

My friends were lying and looking at the stars, and I was far away from them, wetting my feet on the seashore. It was a very starry night with a clear sky.

Everything was calm when suddenly one of my friends started shouting my name in a way he had never done before, I thought something bad had happened, but in desperation he told me to look up.

When I looked, I saw a completely opaque black triangle, no light, no sound, nothing but a black triangle that literally glided across the sky. The "ship" could only be seen because it obscured the stars that were above us, and because we could see how some of the light from the beach reflectors fell on the dim color of the object that was slowly gliding, following the coast to the south. It's hard to say how high it flew and its size, but our observation lasted about 30 seconds and left questions for the rest of the night.

A few days later, a local newspaper published an article that confirmed that we had seen something more complex than our theories that it was a super-technological B-21 or Black Bird. The news mentioned the proposed landing site, which was 80 km (49.7 miles) away, also in the coastal area, in the same direction in which we saw the object moving. The footprints on the vegetation, to our surprise, corresponded to the triangular shape we saw, rather than a circle, as we usually expect from these landing sites.

According to the news, the tracks were just over 13 meters long and 2 meters wide and were discovered far from the central region. The episode occurred early on the morning of October 7, but was kept secret so as not to attract attention, and was published only on October 19.

What intrigues me the most is how many forms this phenomenon can take: triangles, discs, cigars, drops. Why do you think there are so many different formats? Are these ships of different purposes, different races or sizes? Why do they need to land in random places?

The same friend who advised me to look up is skeptical about everything, including UFOs, and although he saw it, he doesn't believe it's anything to do with NHI, even saying it doesn't make sense. secret technology, because this technology will revolutionize our current aviation, and any country that has it will brag to demonstrate its superiority.

Original news


MOD•10h ago•Stickied comment

Approved as OP put lots of details in the main body:

It was October 7, 2017, we were in a group of 5 people sitting on the sand by the beach enjoying the night, in the city of Santos in Brazil.

My friends were lying down watching the stars while I was far from them wet my feet at the seaside, it was a very starry night with clear skies.

Everything was calm when suddenly one of my friends started shouting my name in a way he had never done before, I thought something bad had happened, but he desperately told me to look up.

When I looked I could see a completely matte black triangle, no lights, no sound, nothing but a black triangle that literally slid across the sky. The “ship” could be seen only because it covered the stars that were above us and because we could see part of the light from the beach reflectors hitting the dull color of the object, as it slowly slid, following the coast towards the south. It's difficult to say how high it was flying and its size, but our sighting lasted around 30 seconds, and left us with questions for the rest of the night.

Days later, a local newspaper published a story that confirmed that we saw something more complex than our theories of it being a super-technological B-21 or Black Bird. The news was about a supposed landing site that was 80 km (49.7 miles) away, also in the coastal region, in the same direction in which we saw the object moving. The marks on the vegetation, to our surprise, corresponded to the triangular shape we saw, and not a circle as we generally expect these landing sites to be.

According to the news, the marks were just over 13m long and 2m wide and were found in a location far from the central region. The episode occurred in the early hours of October 7th, but was kept confidential so as not to attract attention and was only released on the 19th.

What intrigues me most is the number of shapes this phenomenon can take: triangles, discs, cigars, drops. Why do you think there are so many different formats? Are they ships of different purposes or of different races or dimensions? Why do they need to land in random places?

This same friend who told me to look up is skeptical about everything, including UFOs, and even though he has seen it, he doesn't believe it is something related to NHI, even saying that it doesn't make sense for it to be secret technology, as this technology would revolutionize our current aviation and any A country that had it would be showing off to show superiority.

And this comment here:

The news is in Portuguese, but you can easily translate and see more details at this link Triangular UAP

That link:


Equipes da Prefeitura e pesquisadores investigam o suposto pouso de um Objeto Voador Não Identificado (OVNI) em Peruíbe, no litoral de São Paulo. Moradores relataram terem visto uma luz em um terreno durante a madrugada, e encontraram a vegetação amassada ao amanhecer. A área foi interditada pela prefeitura da cidade para análise.

A propriedade alvo de investigação localiza-se nos fundos de uma casa na Rua 19, no bairro Balneário São João Batista 3, local afastado da região central da cidade. As marcas têm pouco mais de 13 metros de comprimento e dois de largura. O terreno foi cercado pela Prefeitura para evitar aglomerações que prejudiquem o trabalho dos pesquisadores.

"Analisamos nos últimos dias e já constatamos que trata-se de algo que não foi feito por um humano. Foi um OVNI, realmente, que pousou ali em movimentos circulares, de modo que a vegetação foi apenas amassada", explica o pesquisador Saga Susseliton Souza.

Conforme relatos de moradores colhidos por ele, na ocasião do suposto pouso, as residências no entorno ficaram sem energia elétrica. "Temos um casal que relata que viu um feixe de luz nesse terreno e, em outro momento, essa luz se aproximou da casa deles".

Vegetação foi amassada, segundo pesquisador que analisa a área — Foto: Edilson Almeida/Prefeitura de Peruíbe

O episódio ocorreu na madrugada de 7 de outubro, mas foi mantido em sigilo para não chamar a atenção de curiosos. Na quinta-feira (19), quando foi divulgado pela prefeitura, aproximadamente 100 pessoas se aglomeravam no local que é analisado.

"Estamos em fase de pesquisa, mas já colhemos imagens, analisamos o terreno e ouvimos as testemunhas. Uma delas relata que, às 18h do dia 7, após o ocorrido, viu algo na mata que não foi capaz de identificar. Todos ficaram muito assustados", fala.

O morador da casa ao lado do local do suposto pouso, segundo Saga, que estuda há 35 anos eventuais contatos extraterrestres, relatou náuseas e mal-estar nos últimos dias. "Outro fator comum em situações como essa, mas ele vai ficar bem", garante.

A área é monitorada pela Prefeitura de Peruíbe, que realizou a marcação do terreno e imagens aéreas da vegetação que foi alterada. "Trata-se de um evento rico em detalhes, que podem nos ajudar a esclarecer outras situações nos próximos dias", disse.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Lodging of plants on the field

It is believed that the phenomenon of "circles" has been known for about 400 years. All formations are known for this period, by origin can be divided into two types: natural and artificial.

Annually, researchers, journalists and witnesses encounter a lot of strange shapes in the fields. It's happening everywhere. Often the pattern has no apparent logic, but the skillful application of imagination it can be. As a rule, the cause of the formations is one or more natural factors.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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