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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Wed, 12/02/2020
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The spirit is the master bath of the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. Performance mostly the same in the Eastern Slavs. This spirit was considered the most formidable of all the spirits-owners of the house and outbuildings. With his machinations associated stupor or even death after bathing in poorly ventilated "black" room.

Children (up to the appearance of the teeth, i.e. before they transition from an infant moved into the category of "people") who could not leave alone in the bath, he was kidnapped, leaving instead a substitute - Vim.

However, it was believed (as in Slavic mythology) that bath the spirit we can learn to play the harmonica. It was possible to call on a certain day a certain ritual*, Bannik appeared first racked harmonica, then collected it again and started playing all sorts of tunes. It was not until the singing of the roosters, after which the spirit fell to the ground and disappeared, and daredevil learned all the heard melody.

It is often represented in male form: a little old man in a red cap, but there were performances and the mistress of the elderly women to little red riding hood.

* In the evening at Christmas time, during the most intimate contact of the human world with the spirit world, should come to the bath, taking a raw cow's hide, a cock, a knife, a needle without an eyelet and harmonica. There razoshlas on the floor of the skin, the Braves would sit on it, with a knife to outline around itself, a vicious circle, stick it in his clothes without a needle eye (the skin, a knife, a vicious circle, a needle without an eyelet traditional charms against the evil forces) and cause of Pysanka.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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