Added | Thu, 13/02/2020 |
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Область распространения | Finland
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Sources | Мифологический словарь/Гл. ред. Мелетинский Е.М. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1990 г.- 672 с.
Bathing of fairy in Finnish folklore. In Finnish folklore played a significant role in various bathing spirits - fairies and gnomes. The spirit of the sauna was Leilu and fairy Autoritar and her son Autoreisen.
Despite the fact that in the era of Christianity among the Finns there was even a concept of virgin Mary as the protector of bathers, the spirits of the sauna has not disappeared from the Finnish tradition. They are believed to protect the sauna and bring success and happiness to visitors. If people go to the sauna late at night or behave it too loudly, violently or simply unworthy, saunas spirits become angry and cooled the water, depriving people of a couple.
Finns as well as Slavic peoples were endowed bath of spirits the ability to predict the future.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Phenomenon in mass culture
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