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Dusty whirlwind lifted into the air the truck

Added Mon, 25/05/2020
Дата публикации
Sun, 24/05/2020

May 9 in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region of China was an unusual accident. Traffic cameras on the highway in Yinchuan removed as the truck stopped at the traffic lights, suddenly literally flew into the air.

The car flipped around and ended up on the side — already on the sidewalk. Fortunately, the driver and passenger escaped with only minor injuries, because both were wearing seat belts.

How could this happen? The reason was a dusty whirlwind, they are formed in dry weather during the unstable state of the atmosphere. These funnels are not often the cause of injuries or accidents, but in rare cases can levitate a person or to damage the house. Unlike tornadoes, these vortices, which in some countries are called dust devils, have nothing to do with clouds.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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