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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. United States

ID #1598960519
Added Tue, 01/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.05.1969 01:45
Роквилл, VA
United States

20-year-old Mike Luchkovich, a student in Manakin (Virginia), was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. He was just passing a Department store in Rockville. Mike noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a pair of deer, but soon realized that he was watching two figures that were between three and a half and four feet tall (1-1.2 m). 

The creatures were wearing spherical helmets the size of a basketball. Each helmet was surrounded by a pale green stripe that reflected the car's headlights. 

At first the creatures were motionless, but soon they ran away and ran to the embankment to the left of the witness. The first two creatures had barely disappeared when a third small creature appeared on the right side of the road and quickly joined the others, climbing over the embankment. 

Luchkovich reported that the men were dressed in light brown overalls, somewhat baggy in the legs, but tight to the ankles. He could not see any hands, and he could not detect the features hidden behind the huge helmets. 

The student was shaken by the experience, and he did not tell anyone about the meeting until Sunday. 

On Monday, Luchkovich and three other men returned to the site. They were able to find the exact track on the poison ivy and honeysuckle on the embankment that the three creatures were climbing. Beyond the embankment, they found a barley field, through which three humanoids had made a path. 

After walking a few feet, they noticed two flat areas where small creatures could throw themselves into a grain field. Barley crushed on one of the prints, according to Luchkovich, he showed the print of two small bodies, while the other print outlined one small body. 

About half a mile West of the area, and about two hours earlier, 18-year-old Debbie Payne reported seeing an oval-shaped glowing object above her home as she was returning home from a date. The object looked quite bright, then dimmed and became bright two more times before she and her companion reached the house.

Original news

Date:  May 11 1969
Location:  Rockville, Virginia
Time:  0145A
Summary: 20-year old Mike Luczkowich, a student at Manakin, Virginia, was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. Just a he passed the Rockville General Store; Mike noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a couple of deer, but he soon realized that he was observing two figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headlights of the vehicle. The beings were motionless at first, but they soon scurried off and ran up an embankment to the left of the witness. The first two creatures had barely disappeared when a third small creature appeared from the right side of the road and quickly joined the others by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but were tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. The student was shaken by the experience, and he did not tell anyone of the encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other men returned to the site. They were able to locate a definite trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle on the embankment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, such as the three humanoids might have made. After a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities might have thrown themselves down in the grain field. The crushed barley at one of the impressions, according to Luczkowich showed the imprint of two small bodies, while another impression outlined one small body. About a half mile west of the area, and about two hours earlier 18-year old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an oval-shaped luminous object over her house as she arrived home from a date. The object appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright twice more before she and her date reached the house.
Source: Ted Bloecher, “Occupant Case Detailed” Skylook November 1974


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