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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Spain

ID #1603629423
Added Sun, 25/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.08.1977 19:55
Эскалада Huelva

Kaferina Vargas Martin, 20, from Escalada, left her home in 1930 to walk to her grandmother's house in La Corte, about 3 km away. The road between the two villages winds along a stream at the foot of the mountain. There is a lot of vegetation along the way. 

As she was walking along this path, at about 19: 55, she was momentarily blinded by a bright reflection of light. About 20 meters later, another flash of light shone in her face.

Now she thought it was a Bicycle headlight, but suddenly she felt her strength drain away as the light source was replaced by two strange figures - a woman two meters tall and a man slightly shorter. 

The woman had long platinum hair that fell to the middle of her back; the male one was shorter and a bit messy. Their facial features seemed "repulsive"to the witness. The woman had very large eyes, only two holes where her nose should have been, and a slit like a mouth that moved without opening. Both figures were dressed in tunics similar to clothing. It was a dark green color, but very bright, as if it consisted of many small points of light, and the wide sleeves reached up to her arms. The tunic reached to the ground, so that her feet were not visible.

 The man's tunic was a light chestnut color, also with brightly reflecting points of light; it reached to his knees, below which was a narrow dark tunic that reached to the ground. Their skin was lemon yellow. While the woman gesticulated with her hands, both creatures remained indifferent to the presence of the witness. 

Feeling fainting, the witness sat down on a rock, then she lost consciousness. When she came to, there was no one there, and it was already dark. 

Scared and upset, she ran home. It was 20:50 when she arrived. The witness suffered from shock and had nightmares for the next few nights and had to be treated by doctors. Some personal items were also missing.

Original news

Location. Near Escalada Huelva Spain
Date: August 3 1977
Time: 1955
Caferina Vargas Martin, 20, of Escalada, left her home at 1930 to walk to her grandmother’s house at La Corte, about 3 km distant. The pathway between the two villages winds along a creek at the foot of a mountain. With much vegetation along the way. While she was walking along this pathway, at about 1955 she was momentarily blinded by a bright reflection of light; about 20 meters further on, another flash of light shone in her face. Now she believed it was a bicycle headlight, but she suddenly felt her strength ebb away as the light source was replaced by two strange figures-a woman of two meters height and a slightly shorter man. The woman had long platinum hair that hung to the middle of her back; the man’s was shorter and slightly disordered. Their facial features were “repulsive” to the witness; the woman had very large eyes, only two holes where her nose should be, and a slit like mouth that moved without opening. Both figures were dressed in tunic like garments; hers was of a dark green color, but very brilliant, as if made up of many little points of light, and wide sleeves extended to her hands. The tunic extended to the ground so her feet were not seen. The man’s tunic was of a light chestnut color, also with brightly reflecting points of light; it extended to his knees, below which was a narrow, darker tunic that extended to the ground. Their skin was citron yellow color. While the woman gesticulated with her arms, both beings remained indifferent to the witness’s presence. Feeling faint, the witness sat down on a rock; then she passed out. When she came to, there was no one there, and it was then dark. Frightened and upset, she ran back home. It was 2050 when she arrived. The witness suffered from shock and had nightmares for the next several nights, and had to be treated by doctors. Some personal belongings also turned up missing.
Source: Ignacio Darnaude, Joaquin Mateos, Manuel Filpo Jose Ignacio Alonso & Antonio Moya


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-U Payload: Kosmos 936 (Bion #4)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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