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Circles on the field and other formations. Kazakhstan

ID #1610470528
Added Tue, 12/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The night watchman at the relay station was woken up late at night when his dog suddenly jumped out into the street, barking at a "huge glowing car in the shape of a ball" standing about 50 meters away. 

Several creatures, slightly resembling humans and dressed in tight silver suits, landed from the object through an invisible door, and the dog "bravely" attacked them. 

However, one of the humanoids "reached out to the dog, and a thin blue ray flew out of his hand and touched the animal." The dog immediately froze and fell silently to the ground. 

The guard had just called the Karatau police station on the phone and demanded to come, when the same humanoid appeared in the doorway, and the same blue beam knocked the guard off the floor.

 The police found themselves in a quandary when the engine of their car shut down about a kilometer from the relay station. The same thing happened with the backup car, and all attempts to start the engines were unsuccessful. 

An hour later, both cars suddenly started up. The police brought the guard out of his "strange quasi-drug coma" and he told them what had happened. 

At the place where the UFO landed, there was a perfect circle of carbonized rock. The poor dog never woke up.

Original news

Date: November 1994
Location:  Near Karatau, Kazakhstan
Time:  late night
Summary:  A night watchman at a relay station was roused late at night when his dog suddenly rushed outside, barking at “a huge, globe shaped, luminous machine” standing about 50 meters away. A number of creatures slightly resembling human beings and wearing skin-tight silver suits, disembarked from the object through an invisible door, and the dog “gallantly” attacked them. However, one of the humanoids “stretched out his hand to the dog, and a slim blue ray shot out of his hand and touched the animal.” The dog immediately froze and fell to the ground noiselessly. The guard had only time to call the Karatau police station by telephone and urge to come over, before the same humanoid appeared in the doorway, and the same blue ray knocked the guard to the floor. The police were stranded when their car engine cut out about a kilometer from the relay station. This also happened to the back-up car, and all efforts to start the engines failed. Both cars unexpectedly started up again an hour later. The police brought the guard out of his “strange quasi narcotic coma,” and he recounted the incident to them. A perfect circle of carbonized rock was left at the place where the UFO had landed. The unfortunate dog never did wake up.
Source:  FRS Vol. 40 # 1


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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