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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The mystical fog. Russia

ID #1613489889
Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.04.1990 02:15
Хоперский заповедник
Voronezhskaya oblast

The stoker Alexander Nazarov took out the slag and coal outside the furnace and left the shop. As he opened the gate, he noticed that a huge humanoid figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The strange creature was about three meters tall and stood with its back to Nazarov. The humanoid had a "small head" that seemed to protrude from its shoulders, unusually long arms, very thin legs, and a wide copper-colored belt hung from its hips, which was connected to its legs by a band of the same color. The humanoid was wearing a shiny blue jumpsuit. A crescent-shaped symbol that radiated red light and resembled a crescent moon was seen on the humanoid's left arm. 

Nazarov was suddenly seized with fear, he rushed back to the garage of his workshop and tried to call his boss V. Gavrilov, but could not establish a successful telephone connection, then he returned to the same place. 

The humanoid was no longer there, but a white beam of light shone over the forest, about 15 meters away from the witness, tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. 

Nazarov also noticed that the telegraph poles were also illuminated by a bright white light, and a strange gaseous cloud is now clearly visible in the place where he originally saw the humanoid. 

The "cloud" hovered at a height of about 10 cm above the ground. Alexander tried to approach the place, but his legs were paralyzed, and he had an unpleasant feeling as if he was being pierced by hundreds of "tiny needles"in his arms and in the abdomen. 

On the same night, there were reports of mysterious fires along the railway and inside the protected area. 

Two electric pumps, apparently, were turned off by an unknown force.

Original news

Location. Khoper Nature Reserve, Voronezh region, Russia
Date: April 4 1990
Time: 0215A
A stoker named Alexander Nazarov was carrying out slag and coal outside the furnace area and had gone out of the workshop. As he opened the gate he noticed a huge humanoid figure suddenly appear in front of him. The strange entity was about 3 meters in height, and stood with its back to Nazarov. The humanoid had a “small head” that seemed to jut out of its shoulders, uncommonly long arms, very thin legs and wore a broad copper-color belt on its hips, which connected to its legs by a strip of the same color. The humanoid was dressed in a shiny light blue overall. A crescent-shaped symbol, which emanated red light, and resembling the half moon, was seen on the humanoid’s left hand. Nazarov was suddenly seized with fear and rushed back into his workshop garage and attempted to phone his boss V. Gavrilov, but was unable to make a successful phone connection, he then returned to the same location. The humanoid was no longer around but a white beam of light was shining over the forest, about 15 meters from the witness, inclined at a 45degree angle. Nazarov also noticed that the telegraph poles were also lit up in a bright white light and a strange gas-like cloud was now distinctly visible at the place where he had originally seen the humanoid. The “cloud” floated at about 10cm above the ground. Alexander attempted to approach the location but his legs became paralyzed and he had the unpleasant sensation of being pierced by hundreds of “tiny needles” in his hands and stomach area. That very same night there were reports of mysterious fires along the railway and inside the reserve area. Two electric pumps were apparently shut down by an unknown force. Electronic watches also reportedly malfunctioned in the area.
Source: Olga Kostenko, local press, Vladimir Lebedyev TASS and Vladimir Yeletskih, “Behind the brink of the miraculous” Voronezh 1992


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