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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The mystical fog. Russia

ID #1613498287
Added Tue, 16/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Krasnodarskiy kray

An elderly pensioner named M. was working in a vegetable garden on his plot of land near the airport when he suddenly noticed clouds or fog forming over a nearby potato field without any visible source. 

Then a spherical object with a diameter of about 4-5 meters floated out of the fog. An astonished witness saw 3 humanoids come out of the object: two men of medium height and a "miniature" woman no taller than 1.30 meters. 

"Come here, dear," the woman said in pure Russian. 

Obeying the command, the stunned witness stepped forward. Then the aliens brought him to the globe. Inside, everything was yellow and orange, and numerous screens were visible around the perimeter of the cabin. The woman then asked the witness what his life was like and what he did every day. 

The witness spoke in a whisper, and the trio of aliens listened in silence. When he finally stopped, the alien woman asked, " What is it?":

"Would you like to come with us and learn about life on another planet? We invite you to visit us." 

The witness declined the invitation. The alien then said goodbye, but before they left, the witness asked them to give him something as proof of their visit. He added that he would like to receive confirmation. 

"In your hands?" the alien woman smiled. 

"Yes, in my hands," the witness replied.

The only woman then commanded:

"Give me your hand," she grabbed the witness's hand, and he fainted. 

Later, when he woke up, he found himself lying on the ground in his garden. The spherical object hovering over the potato field disappeared. The witness then felt severe pain in his arm.

Original news

Location. Krasnodar, Russia
Date: April 30 1990
Time: early morning
An elderly pensioner named M was working in the vegetable garden in his plot of land near the airport when he suddenly noticed what appeared to be clouds or fog forming above the nearby potato field without any visible source. A globe-shaped object about 4-5 meters in diameter then floated out of the mist. The amazed witness saw 3 humanoids exit the object, two males of average height and a “miniature” woman no higher than 1.30m in height. “Come here dear”, said the woman in a pure Russian dialect. Obeying the command, the stunned witness stepped forward. The aliens then led him into the globe. Everything inside was of a yellow-orange color, numerous screens were visible along the perimeter of the cabin. The woman then asked the witness about how his life was like and what did he do on a daily basis. The witness spoke in a murmur while the alien trio silently listened to him. When he finally stopped the alien woman asked, “Would you like to go with us and learn about life in another planet? We invite you as our guest”. The witness refused the invitation. The alien woman then bade goodbye, but the before they left the witness asked them to give him something as proof of their visit. He added that he would like to have confirmation on his hands. “On your hands?” Smiled the alien woman. “Yes on my hands” answered the witness. The only woman then commanded, “Give me your hand”, she grabbed the witness palm and he lost consciousness. Later when he woke up he found himself lying on the ground in his garden. The glob-shaped object that had hovered above the potato field had vanished. The witness then felt a strong pain in his hand. He looked and saw a half-moon (crescent) shaped mark on the back of his palm, similar to a mark made by a hot branding iron.
Source: Galena Sobolevskaya and Alexey K. Priyma and Alexey K. Priyma, XX Century, Chronicles of the Unexplained Moscow 1999


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