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The Alien. Canada

ID #1624569268
Added Fri, 25/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.10.2007 19:00
Район Канаскис и Предгорья

The main witness and his friend John Ross were hunting and shooting at targets in the area of Fisher and Gorge Creek, and in the mountains they had a strange feeling that they were being watched. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he could still see some movement in the forest. Therefore, they were careful and decided to return after it began to get dark, the predators come out at night in this area. They began to return across the plain (about 450 feet of open field with mud marks and a small pond in the middle), and they began to feel worse. He had a small 22LR and a Chinese SKS carbine (7. 62x39 mm) for big game and self-defense, his friend Lee had a 303 British Enfield caliber ... so they were ready for anything bad. 

They started down the path, and John Ross looked back, and they thought their eyes were making fun of them, but something was standing right in front of the pond ... they shouted at it for 2 minutes, he was skinny and lanky, the lighting didn't help, but they got a good look at him... there were no reflections, no trees, or anything else that could confuse them. 

They warned him 3 times, so Ross shot him with a rifle. To the surprise of the witnesses, the shot had no effect on the strange figure, worried that they began to return home when it became dark. 

Soon, the main witness noticed that something was moving out of the corner of his eye, so he immediately raised his rifle and aimed at the object he saw, which he described as a very thin, lanky man standing up and running, tanned / brownish in color and long arms and legs, completely naked, a round head and an empty face. The witness fired three shots at it while he was running away, he did not see it fall, the kit continued to run, and John also took aim and shot at it, also without any effect. 

Terrified, the men ran to their car about 120 meters to the east of their location. They kept hearing noises in the woods to their left as they ran, and they also heard "chatter" in at least a dozen different places. They were leaving the area at least 100 km per hour. 

The next day, he reported this to the RCMP and wildlife representatives, and they gave him a list of animals that "run" on two legs, which, reportedly, in the gorge area, do not fit the description of a strange creature.

Original news

Date: October 2 2007
Location:  Area of Kanaskis and Foothill Mountains, Alberta, Canada
Time: 1900
Summary: The main witness and his friend Jon Ross were hunting and target shooting around Fisher and Gorge Creek and in the mountains they were getting a weird feeling that they were being watched. Out of the corner of his eye he kept seeing movement in the distance in the forest. So they were cautious and decided to head back after it started to get dark, predators come out at night in this area. They started to head back along the plain (about a 450ft open field with dirt marks and a small pond in the middle) and they got a worsening feeling. He had on him a Small bolt action .22LR and a Chinese Made SKS Carbine (7.62x39mm) for larger game and self defense, his friend had a Lee Enfield in .303 British…so they were prepared for anything bad to happen. They started to walk up the trail, and Jon Ross looked back and they thought their eyes were playing tricks on them, but there was something standing straight up in front of the pond…they yelled at it for 2 minutes, it was skinny and lanky, the lighting did not provide help, but they got a good look at it…there were no reflections or trees, or anything that could have made them confused. They warned it 3 times, so Ross fired his rifle at it. To the witnesses surprised the shot did not appear to have any effect on the strange figure, concerned they started to head back home as it got darker. Soon the main witness saw something out of the corner of his eye move, so he lifted his rifle immediately and aimed toward the object he saw which he described as a very thin lanky person get up and run, it was tanned/brownish and had long arms and legs, completely hairless, a round head and blank face. The witness fired three shots at it while it ran away, he did not see it drop, kit kept running, and Jon also aimed and fired a round at it as well, also without any effect. Terrified the men ran to their car roughly 120meters east of their location. They kept hearing ruffling sounds in the forest to their left while they ran and they also heard “chattering” in at least a dozen separate places. They drove out of the area at least 100km an hour. He reported it the next day to the RCMP and wildlife officials and they gave him a list of animals that “run” on two feet that are reported in the gorge area, none fit the description of the strange entity.
Source:  http://ufocasebook.conforums.com


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