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The Alien. Venezuela

ID #1626211151
Added Wed, 14/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 

Nelson Polanco and Luis Burgos " Episode 26-Creatures on the Highway"

Nelson Polanco (N. P.):

Louis, you know that when we were discussing the incident on Highway 33 ...

Luis Burgos (LB):

Southern Santa Fe?

N. P .:

Luciano Masoni's interview with Estela, who talks about a tall humanoid creature that followed her, running next to her car? It really struck me when Estela said that this creature turned 90 degrees and crossed the road. A few years ago, I learned about other cases related to crossing the road.


The stories are numerous. This phenomenon is not very common, but it is not isolated either. There are many cases when people walked on foot or in a car, on the road itself or on the side of the road. It's like they're showing off.

N. P .:

This is what I wanted to tell you - we will deal not only with humanoid creatures crossing the road, but also with others standing on the side of the road. As a result of this case - Estela-a number of cases came to mind concerning entities standing on the side of the road, and one case that I witnessed myself when we were driving to Punta Piedras. I was with you, Louis ...


Yes, the famous case of "Walter's Truck".

N. P .:

We were driving with Walter Patente and saw this figure standing on the side of the road in the dark, dressed in white, on Highway No. 11 ...


On the highway 11. Dirt road.

N. P .:

Yes, yes, that's right. A deserted place, around 22: 00



N. P .:

.. when we passed by the truck, the figure seemed to be drawn into the darkness ...


... as if hiding.

N. P .:

. that's right, as if he's hiding. And the question remained unanswered. Who was this strange character? Especially considering how he was dressed, dressed in a white suit down to his feet, and he wasn't even looking at the truck. The character remained standing sideways, and when the truck passed by, he seemed to dive into the darkness, into a reed field. This inspired me to look for additional cases, and I know that you, Louis, will discuss some of them later.


This is reminiscent of the case that occurred this year, in January 2019. An event that happened to a member of the FAO, Christian Dano, near Punta Lara, Santiago. He was driving with his family and saw a humanoid figure crossing the road ...

N. P .:

It was the night of the eclipse.


Absolutely right. Given the geography, the incident was similar to the incident on Route 11. And Nelson, without going into details, we have cases that we have been investigating for many years, involving people who have witnessed similar situations. One says: "How is it? A humanoid on the road, when he has the whole countryside to land a UFO, does he have to stand by the road? But that's the way it is. That's where they manifest themselves. You know that Marcelo ...

N. P .:

We're talking about ... my apologies, Louis ... we are discussing cases involving humanoids that have nothing to do with the case.


Unassociated humanoids. Yes, we will not talk about related cases, because UFOs already exist for this. We are talking about characters who have encountered witnesses in cars or on foot, but without the presence of a UFO, which either does not exist or cannot be seen with this silhouette or figure. Marcelo Martinic, back in the 90s, was driving alone at night on the road to Santa Fe, and one such entity crossed his path, which is a common occurrence in the south of Santa Fe. He was tall, wearing stylized silver clothing, and it took him three or four long steps to cross the road.

N. P .:



He came out of the dense vegetation and crossed the road.

N. P .:

It should be noted that this is dangerous, since the shock inflicted on the driver should be more a source of fear than curiosity.


Yes, but Marcelo had a different point of view. As you know, instead of speeding up, as happened in many cases, Marcelo stopped the car just a few meters from the place where the figure crossed the road. He got out of the car in the dark and started shouting at the figure, trying to provoke it ...

N. P .:

A wild man!


"Come out of there, come out, I saw you!" - he said it. He waited a few minutes, the figure did not appear, and Marcelo continued his journey. keep in mind that we are talking not only about the behavior of a humanoid when he crossed the road, made himself visible, but also about the behavior of Marcelo. He is one of the few witnesses who really wanted to confront this.

N. P .:

Most of the witnesses leave in a hurry.


They run away or at some point they realize what happened, as it was with Estela; or with Christian Dano, who didn't stop. Even we-when we were driving in a truck with twelve people, instead of stopping to investigate, we continued as if we hadn't seen this figure. We were in a hurry; we reached our destination around 22: 00. That evening we had a thousand incidents. Whatever it was, Marcelo's attitude is worthy of praise. As you know, I have a very important case that happened in the 80s with Josephine, the wife of a former member of the FAO, when her mother ...

N. P.: 



Josephine's mother and her husband went on vacation to the south, to the southern borders of the province of Buenos Aires, and they had a visit to the Medanos area ...

N. P .:

Medanos, we have to discuss Medanos.


Yes, another time we will touch on the case in which a doctor from La Plata participated, and it ended badly. This was the case in Medanos - a very mysterious city, it was here that we attended the CIFA event organized by Roberto Apendino, as you know, we stopped in Medanos to recreate that case. For me, this is one of the strangest cities in the province of Buenos Aires, and the people of Medanos will say that Burgos is crazy. 

Anyway, Josephine had an accident and was hospitalized in the Bahia Blanca area, and Josephine had to take her by ambulance to La Plata to continue treatment. But there was no ambulance - the morgera (hearse) was used. They brought her back in a hearse ( laughs.). On the way back, they were driving along Highway 3 near the village of Inojos, when they saw a very tall stylized figure standing by the road, dressed in silver and white, and standing exactly like the figure from the reed field, with his hands closed. to his body. 

Josephine asked: "What is it?" and the driver replied: "Do you want to stop? Do you want to take a look at this?" She said, " No, no, let's continue." Later, the driver explained that the figure appeared in front of more than one motorist in the area of Inojos. The" Inojo ghost " was talked about everywhere, and it has nothing to do with what Josephine saw.

N. P .:

It became an urban legend.


Yes, but Josephine saw it with her own eyes. Not her mother. Her mother was sitting in the back of the hearse, her knee swollen like a sack. But she and the driver witnessed it, and Josephine can confirm this even today. And later, Nelson, I would like to finish the case that I mentioned in Hechos Asombrosos and elsewhere - an incident that spurred me on.

I always say that the Apollo moon landing was the trigger for me to become a ufologist on July 20, 1969. But in 1965, when I was nine years old, during one of the many trips we made to the countryside to Magdalena, halfway between La Plata and Magdalena, there is an area called La Curva de la Muerte (The Curve of Death), and I was sitting in the front seat with my mother in a truck that was used to transport food to certain places. At the moment when the truck reached the turn, I heard a voice shouting: "What is this? What is it?" 

It was my mother, and at that time I was not asleep, but I was distracted and saw at the very turn a small figure no taller than one meter, dressed in what looked like a white tunic, extending her hand like a policeman, as if ordering our truck to stop with a gesture. Then we heard a noise, as if rocks were falling under the windshield, past the radiator and the front bumper. 

The driver, Hector, asked if he should stop, and the farmhand who came with us said: "Stop, I'll get out and kill him." My mother urged Hector to continue. 

N. P .:

So, the creature threw something into the car.


Something was thrown into the car. But we stopped a kilometer ahead.

N. P .:

You stopped at a stream.


Yes, a stream. We stopped and nothing broke. No damage to the headlights, nothing at all. But we felt the blow. But what struck me the most was that a tail, a fiery tail, seemed to come out of this white tunic, suit or something else. It was fire. The character with an outstretched hand ordering us to stop, everything was burning behind his back.

At that time, 1964-65, there was no one there, there were no houses, nothing. I know the area like the back of my hand. If you go there today, you will see that this is a city. But then there was no one there. Today, you can argue that [the figure] was a joker or a robber, forcing us to stop. 

But I assure you that there was no one then, especially not someone who would like to act out a cold winter night. I remember it was cold. Anyway, on the way back to the city of Ensenada, where I lived at the time, we stopped at this place, and Hector, the driver and the workers who came with us, searched the area to see if there was anything burned at this place, but found nothing. In other words, the fire was an illusion; it wasn't a fire at all.

N. P .:

Most likely, it was light, not fire.


I think it wasn't fire, but the first thought that comes to mind is fire. This case, in my opinion, was the trigger event that attracted me to this sphere. So when my private mentor said to me, "Burgos, write something of your own," I told her that "there was a flying saucer, it fell, and a Martian grabbed me." This was what made me start studying UFOs. Thus, such cases - for example, your own incident on the Route 11 cane field-are part of our data bank containing 5,500 cases in Argentina.

N. P .:

Well, as I said in the previous program, we will continue to report these strange incidents. If our listeners have their own cases that they would like to share, related to roads, strange characters and their visions, please contact us. Louis, this topic fascinates me. Well, we will meet again in the next part of Los Invasores.

Original news

OVNIRADIO ICOU - The Invaders - Humanoid Case Histories

By Nelson Polanco and Luis Burgos

Episode 26 - Entities Along The Highways

 Nelson Polanco (NP): Luis, do you know that when we discussed the Route 33 incident --

Luis Burgos (LB): The southern Santa Fe one?

NP: -- the interview conducted by Luciano Masoni with Estela, who talks about the tall humanoid creature that followed her, running alongside her car? it really struck me when Estela said that this entity made a 90 degree movement and crossed the road. A few years ago I had learned about other cases involving road-crossing entities.

LB: The case histories are abundant. The phenomenon isn't very common, but it isn't isolated either. There are considerable case histories involving people on foot, or driving in a vehicle, on the road itself or on the roadside. It's as if they're showing off.

NP: That's what I wanted to tell you - we won't be dealing exclusively with humanoid beings crossing the road, but also others seen standing on the roadside. As a result of this case - Estela's - a number of cases came to mind concerning entities standing on the side of the road and one case that I witnessed myself when we journeyed to Punta Piedras. I was with you, Luis...

LB: Yes, the famous case involving "Walter's Truck"

NP: We were traveling with Walter Patente and we saw that figure standing on the side of the road in the dark, dressed in white on Route 11...

LB: On Route 11. Ripio.

NP: Yes, yes, exactly. A desolate place, around 10 pm

LB: Yes...

NP: ...as we drove past in the truck, the figure sort of pulled into the darkness...

LB: ...as if hiding.

NP: ...that's right, as if hiding. And the question went unanswered. Who was that strange character? Especially with the way he was dressed, wearing a white outfit down to his feet, and he didn't even look at the truck. The character remained standing sideways, and when the truck drove by, he sort of ducked into the darkness, into the canefield. This inspired me to look for more cases, and I know that you, Luis, will be discussing some next.

LB: This brings to mind a case that took place this year, in January 2019. An event that occurred to a FAO member, Cristián Dano, in the vicinity of Punta Lara, Santiago. He was driving along with his family and he saw a humanoid figure crossing the road...

NP: It was the night of the eclipse.

LB: Exactly. Given the geography, the incident was similar to the Route 11 incident. And Nelson, without going too far afield, we have cases we have investigated over the years involving people who've witnessed similar situations. One says: "How's this? A humanoid on the road, when it has the entire countryside to land a UFO, it should stand by the road? But that's how it is. That's where they show themselves. You know that Marcelo…

NP: We're talking about…my apologies, Luis...we're discussing cases involving humanoids with no associated craft.

LB: Unassociated humanoids. Yes, we aren't going to talk about associated cases, because the UFO is already there for that. We're talking about characters that have run into witnesses in cars or on foot, but without the presence of a UFO, which is either not present or cannot be seen with this silhouette or figure. Marcelo Martinich, back in the '90s, was driving alone at night along a road in Santa Fe, and one such entity crossed his path, something that is common in the south of Santa Fe. It was tall, with stylized, silvery clothing and took three or four long strides to cross the road.

NP: Incredible.

LB: It came out of a dense patch of vegetation and crossed the road.

NP: We should note that this dangerous, since the shock caused to the driver should be more of a source of fear than curiosity.

LB: Yes, but Marcelo took a different tack. As you know, instead of speeding away - as has occurred in many cases -Marcelo stopped the car only a few meters past the point where the figure had crossed the road. He got out of the car in the dark and began hollering at the figure, trying to provoke it...

NP: A wild man!

LB: "Come out of there, come out, I saw you!" He told it. He waited a few minutes, the figure did not emerge, and Marcelo continued his trip. bear in mind it's not only about the humanoid's behavior as it crossed the road, made itself visible, but Marcelo's attitude as well. He's one of the few witnesses who's actually wanted to confront it.

NP: Most witnesses take off in a hurry.

LB: They flee, or at some given moment, they realize what's happened, as was the case with Estela; or with Cristian Dano, who didn't stop. Even us - when we were driving in the truck with twelve people, instead of stopping to investigate, we continued as if we hadn't seen that figure. We were in a hurry; we reached our destination around 10 pm. We had a thousand incidents that evening. Anyway, Marcelo's attitude is commendable. As you know, I have a very significant case that befell Josefina, the wife of a former FAO member, in the '80s, in which her mother...

NP: (unintelligible)

LB: Josefina's mother and her husband had gone on holiday in the south, the southern reaches of the province of Buenos Aires, and in the locality of Médanos they had...

NP: Médanos, we have to discuss Médanos.

LB: Yes, another day we'll touch upon that case, which involved a doctor from La Plata and it ended badly. So it was in Médanos - which is a very mysterious town, that's where we attended the CIFA event organized by Roberto Apendino, as you know, we stopped in Médanos to recreate that case. To me it’s one of the strangest towns in the province of Buenos Aires, and the people of Médanos will say Burgos is nuts. Anyway, Josefina suffered an accident and was hospitalized in the Bahía Blanca area, and Josefina had to bring her back by ambulance to La Plata to pursue treatment. But there wasn't any ambulance - they used a morguera (hearse). They brought her back in a hearse (laughs). On the way back, they were driving along Route 3 near the locality of Hinojos when they saw a very tall, stylized figure standing by the road, dressed in silvery white, and was standing just like the figure from the canefield, with its arms close to its body. Josefina asked: "What's that?" and the driver replied: "Do you want to stop? Do you want to take a look at it?" She said, "No, no no, let's go on." Later on the driver explained that figure had appeared in front of more than one motorist in the vicinity of Hinojos. There's been talk about the "ghost of Hinojos" elsewhere and it has no bearing on this thing that Josefina saw.

NP: It's become an urban legend.

LB: Yes, but Josefina saw it with her own eyes. Not her mother. Her mother was in the back of the hearse with her knee swollen like a bag. But she and the driver witnessed it, and Josefina can attest to the fact even today. And later on, Nelson, I'd like to end with a case I've mentioned in Hechos Asombrosos and elsewhere - the case that triggered me. I always say that the Apollo lunar landing was my trigger for becoming a ufologist on July 20, 1969. But in 1965, when I was nine years old, during one of the many trips we took to the countryside to Magdalena, half way between La Plata and Magdalena, there's an area called La Curva de la Muerte (Death's Curve) and I was in the front seat with my mother in the truck used to bring foodstuffs to certain localities. At that moment, when the truck reached the curve, I heard a voice shouting: "What is that? What is that?" It was my mother, and at the time I wasn't asleep but distracted, and I saw, on the curve itself, a small figure no taller than one meter dressed in what looked like a white tunic, holding its hand out like a traffic policeman, as if gesturing for our truck to stop. We then heard a noise, as if stones were hitting below the windshield, down by the radiator and the front bumper. Hector, the driver, asked if he should stop, and the farmhand who came with us said: "Stop, I'll get out and kill him." My mother urged Hector to continue.

NP: So the being threw something at the vehicle.

LB: Something was thrown at the vehicle. But we did stop one kilometer ahead.

NP: You stopped by the creek.

LB: Yes, the creek. We stopped and nothing was broken. No damage to the headlights, nothing at all. But we felt the blow. But what struck me the most is that there appeared to be a tail coming out of that white tunic or suit or whatever it was, a tail of fire. It was fire. The character with the outstretched hand ordering us to stop had everything behind him on fire.

At that time, 1964-65, there was no one living there, no houses, anything. I know the area like the back of my hand. If you go there today you'll see it's a town. But there was no one there then. Today you can argue that [the figure] was a prankster or a highwayman forcing us to stop. But I assure you that back then there was no one, much less anyone willing to pull a prank on a cold winter night. I remember it was cold. Anyway, on the return trip to the city of Ensenada, where I lived at the time, we stopped at the site and Hector, the driver, and the farmhands who came with us searched the area to see if there was something burned at the spot, but couldn't find a thing. In other words, the fire was an illusion; it was no fire at all.

NP: It's more likely that it was light and not fire.

LB: I think it wasn't fire, but the first thought that comes to mind was fire. This case, in my judgement, was the trigger event that drew me into this field. So when my private tutor said to me, "Burgos, write something of your own", I would tell her "there was a flying saucer, it came down, and a Martian took me." This was what started me out in the UFO field. So cases like this - like your own incident in the Route 11 cane field - are the ones that form part of our data bank of 5500 Argentinean cases.

NP: Well, as I said in the earlier program, we will continue reporting on these strange incidents. If our listeners have cases of their own that they'd like to share, involving roads, strange characters and their apparitions, please contact us. Luis, this subject fascinates me. Well, we'll meet again in the next installment of Los Invasores

[Translation and transcription (c) 2021 by Scott Corrales with thanks to Luis Burgos and Nelson Pacheco]


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Here we have noted only the case in Punta Piedras (Venezuela???).


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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